- In Win desktop computer case
- Intel Core 2 Duo e7300 CPU
- Asus P5GC-MX Motherboard
- 2 GB Memory
- 400 GB Samsung SATA-300 Disk Drive
- Intel 950 graphics on motherboard
- Pioneer DVD-RW drive
- 6 USB 2.0 ports (4 front, 2 back)
- 1 Serial port
- 1 Parallel port
- PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse ports
Physical Dimensions
Height: 3.7 inches
Width: 12.2 inches
Depth: 16.9 inches
Weight: 20 lbs
Power Consumption
Power consumption is 80 Watts, measured with the computer booted to the desktop. This computer also consumes 2 Watts if it's plugged in, but switched off.
Disk Layout
The disk is partitioned to provide two bootable partitions, one for normal use and one for maintenance use. User data and programs are stored on separate volumes.
Volume Name | Disk Format | Drive Letter | Volume Size | Boot Manager | - | - | 7 MB | eComStation | JFS | C: | 5,004 MB | Maintenance | JFS | E: | 5,004 MB | Programs | JFS | G: | 9,999 MB | Data | JFS | D: | 356,526 MB |
USB Capabilities
This computer has been tested with the following USB peripherals:PNY 512 MB memory key |
Kingston 1 GB memory key |
Seagate 300 GB external hard drive |
Lexar 256 MB MP3 player |
Verbatim 8 GB USB Drive |
Canon G9 camera |
SysBench 0.9.5 benchmarks for this computer. You can download SysBench 0.9.5 here: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/
Category | Measurement |
PM-Graphics-marks | 396 |
CPU integer-marks | 9216 |
CPU floating point-marks | 413 |
DIVE-marks | 2837 |
File I/O-marks | 34827 |
Memory-marks | 9533 |
Simultaneous I/O-marks | 2.3 |
Disk I/O-marks | 333 |
Graphics by Colorful Language
Copyright 2009 by Blonde Guy