Suntan Special version 0.69
Suntan Special DVD edition
Release Notes
New Features of Version 0.69
- Install is now supported from a temporary directory that contains a space character.
- Pressing Start without a sequence selected now does nothing
- Broadband edition discontinued.
- Speed and reliability of Application page improved
- Add variables to disable Firefox and Thunderbird installation
- Add variable to bypass NetDrive registration
- Add variable and app to restore Samba server settings
- Reorganized Firefox, SeaMonkey, Thunderbird and OpenOffice
- Purged many obsolete apps
- Added GetDriverVersion to utilities
- Streamlined Visual SlickEdit installation
- Updated wget from 1.11 to 1.16
- supported file download from and mirrors
- upgrade to unzip.exe version 6.00
- Installation on Warp 4 sets environment variable for TEMP directory
- Logging is now robust even for verbose installer logs
- Suntan Installer ensures longnames on appsDir and tempDir
- All apps use DoWarpIN.cmd for unattended operation
- Suntan Installer creates an icon in the setup folder
- Updated style sheet to match Blonde Guy website
- Display Monitor saves Window Position before rebooting
- Documented commands sent by LogCdi
New Features of Version 0.68
- Import sequence can now handle a space in the path to the imported sequence
- Reboot automatically terminates CAD_POP to avoid a pop-up window
- 134 new and updated applications
- Turbo-mode now waits 10 seconds before rebooting
- A new setting, yumignorerpmdb, can be set to ignore some rpm errors
- Warp 4 support has been reinstated. Base Warp 4 is once again supported.
- Fix bug that cputemp creates two copies of rdsmr.sys in config.sys
- Add unzip6 and zip3 to all platform sequences
- make all apps use DoYum.cmd
- scanextra now checks web apps
- Make sure the utilDir exists before using it; p7zip for example
- Make sure p7zip exists before using it; Firefox for example
- Password change to protect PhoneHome
- Installer should say Update rather than Install if it's an update
- Installer can now also Remove Suntan
- make ArcaNoae work via web
- Now supports Warp 4 in Virtual PC
- A new sequence verb, 'Refresh', refreshes the application list from the web site
New Features of Version 0.67
- Applications that are the configuration type are no longer marked up to date after execution
- A bug that failed to execute the last line of a sequence was fixed.
- Tested ArcaOS 5.0x support
- Files changed:
- acp.seq - added support similar to ArcaOS
- ApplicationEd.cmd - many changes
- apps.seq - many new apps, support for ArcaOS
- ArcaOS50.seq - platform sequence to support ArcaOS
- cd-installer.cmd - removed
- cleanup.seq - checks for missing unicode.sys
- dev.seq - revise gcc installation
- DoWarpIN.cmd - safer use of REXX queue
- ecs10.seq - added support similar to ArcaOS
- ecs11.seq - added support similar to ArcaOS
- ecs12.seq - added support similar to ArcaOS
- ecs12R.seq - added support similar to ArcaOS
- ecs20.seq - added support similar to ArcaOS
- ecs21.seq - added support similar to ArcaOS
- ecs22.seq - added support similar to ArcaOS
- EditFile.cmd - new function and lots more logging
- freewarp.seq - added support similar to ArcaOS
- InstallApp.cmd - restores directory when through
- mcp.seq - added support similar to ArcaOS
- QuerySettings.cmd - added osDir
- warp4.seq - added support similar to ArcaOS
- wseb.seq - added support similar to ArcaOS
- Added code to check on a new version of Suntan Special
- Revised documentation to include ArcaOS
- make apps that need it use set osdir=
- obsolete cd-installer.cmd
- make more apps use DoYum and DoWarpIN
New Features of Version 0.66
- Fix use of wget to download applications with long url
- Check if downloaded files files are present before installing app
- Added product date to each cdi file and to Suntan Special to make Update Available more reliable
- Added DoYum and DoWarpIN functions to standardize installation behavior
- Extra files supplied by user are optionally stored in the setupDir
- Numerous bug fixes and enhancements suggested by users
New Features of Version 0.65
New Web edition for free download. No apps included.
- installs ecups support including new HP printers
- Replace Wget from earlier versions; replace with eCS-MT version.
- Ensure Wget in suntanDir is used by Suntan.
- combine suntan/cdi.cmd and chooser
- When installing Suntan, look for prior installation in a suntanDir, if different, put up dialog.
- When installing Suntan, save any old sequence files.
- Check for Setup and for apps-db and cd-log on installation.
- SunBatch should ask to repeat or skip when an app fails
- When running yum, offer to repeat. doYum.cmd.
- modify yumutil to use doYum
- When installing yum, ask user if it worked.
- Supplemental install for Firefox 38 features without using yum.
- Webfonts fix for redundant fonts.
- InstallApp replaces cd-installer as the way to call another application
- Add utils, gcc4core, refresh to extra apps.
New Features of Version 0.64
- fixed reboot function in virtual machine (no boot manager)
- if Suntan Special cannot download a file for an application, then the user will be prompted for the file.
- The webmaster of the os2site chose to restrict access except to authorized users. The only exception is to allow OS/2 users, so I added a user agent string to wget to inform os2site that Suntan Special is an OS/2 user.
- Timestamps added to the log.
- Simplified by switching collections to individual applications
New Features of Version 0.63
- Fixed syntax error in MessageDialog.cmd
- Message text may be copied to the clipboard
- Faster screen update on Application Dialog
- Fixed the File table full bug
- Added checkboxes to the Application Page to select which applications are displayed.
- Consolidated Suntan Special versions to Broadband and DVD.
New Features of Version 0.61
- Rewrote the batch processing program. Now called sunbatch.cmd, batch processing is more robust and reliable. In particular, the name of the sequence file and line number are correct, and the start/stop, pause and resume buttons work better.
- Added Suntan Special DVD edition which combines all versions of Suntan Special into one distribution.
- Fix for pressing Start Sequence with no sequence selected
- New EditSequence command
- Documented commands available to sequences
- ProNews migration
- PMMail 3.06
- Fixed Syntax error message when cdglobal(x) called with x not in settings.
- New applications cleanBonus and cleanSetup applications help to keep stored applications organized
New Features of Version 0.60
- Simple installation of applications from the web.
- Broadband edition for users with good internet connections.
- Clear display of updates available for installed applications.
- Improved error handling while running sequences.
- Uninstallation program to remove Suntan Special
- All applications now use recursive SuntanMkDir rather than SysMkDir.
- New Delete and Import buttons on Sequence Page.
- Ned dialog for Directory picker
- New dialog for OK/Cancel Query
- Fix updates for members of collections; snap3, uniaud114
- Dev tools to Programs->Development
DevFolder() - Fixup OS/2 toolkit - rc.exe is all over the drive ecs=4.0.10;os2=4.0.11;tk=5.0.7;cpp=3.11
- Display message on right panel of application page when starting refresh
- set command for sequences
- settings for eCS vs OS/2
- in Warp4.seq and FreeWarp.seq it goes to turbo mode while executing fp15, ddp2, wr_8425 and un_0980.
- New dialog to Choose Edit paths
- fixed sourcedir rewriting on installation
- adjustable pause time
- applications sunup and phoneHome are withdrawn
- Suntan Special no longer requires an entry in the system PATH
- scanExtra application checks for extra files required by sequence
- sequence page front if running
Applications added or updated
The following applications are new or updated for this release.
- 3DLaunchPad - 3D LaunchPad
- 4os2 - 4os2
- acpi - ACPI 3.22.03
- acrobat5 - InnoTek OS/2 Kit for Acrobat Reader
- ae - ae
- altF2on - Turn on config.sys messages
- anACPI - ACPI 3.23.18
- anAHCI - OS2 ACHI 2.09
- anAmouse - Amouse 4.01
- anDaniS506 - DaniS506 driver version 1.8.16
- anFAT32 - FAT32 file system 5.0.5
- anJFS - JFS file system 1.09.10
- anKernel - ArcaOS Kernel 14.203
- anMultimac - Multimac network drivers version 20241205 (1.01.09)
- anPanorama - Panorama video driver version 1.20
- anUniaud - Arca Noae Uniaud 3.01.03
- anUSB - USB driver stack version 12.17
- ArcaNoae - Arca Noae software
- ArcaOS50config - Update ArcaOS 5.0
- ArcaOS51config - Update ArcaOS 5.1
- ArcViewer - ArcView
- arj - arj archiver
- Arora - Arora 0.11.0b
- assocedit - Association Editor
- ATFonts - Alex Taylor's Fonts
- bootAble - bootAble 6.10.3
- BoulderDash - BoulderDash
- bzip2 - bzip2
- cameraderie - Cameraderie v1.5
- cdrtools2 - cdrtools2 2.01.01a59
- clamavRD - ClamAV-GUI by Remy Dodin
- cleanSettings - Clean Settings
- clipgrab - clipgrab
- cmd32 - 32-bit Command Interpreter
- ConfigSysCheck - Config Sys Check
- configtool - ConfigTool
- cupspdr - cups PDR
- cupswiz - CUPS Wizard
- DaniS506 - DaniS506 driver
- DaveGnukem - Dave Gnukem
- deskclean - Clean up desktop after weird install problems
- dmt - Desktop Maintenance Tool for eCS
- dooble - Dooble
- dssaver - Doodle's Screen Saver
- dvddao - DVDDAO 2.0.6
- eaclean - eaclean
- eCoRT - eCo Software runtime
- eCS22config - Update eComStation 2.2 Config.Sys
- ecups - eCups
- emxrt - EMX runtime
- ePDF - ePDF
- ePDFconfig - configure ePDF
- Euler - Euler
- evfsgui - evfsgui
- evfsifs - evfsifs
- Fat32 - Netlabs Fat32
- FeatherPad - FeatherPad
- ffmpegGUI - ffmpeg-gui
- filecommander - File Commander 2
- filestar - filestar
- Firefox - Firefox
- FirefoxZ - Firefox 45 686
- fm2 - File Manager/2
- FusePDF - FusePDF
- gcc4core - GCC 4 Core
- gcclib434 - GCC library 4.3.4
- gcclib442 - GCC library 4.4.2-20091204
- gcclib445 - GCC library 4.4.5
- gcclib446 - GCC library 4.4.6
- gcclib452 - GCC library 4.5.2
- gcclib453 - GCC library 4.5.3
- gcclib473 - GCC library 4.7.3
- genini - genini
- GhostScript - GhostScript
- gImageReader - gImageReader
- Gotcha - Gotcha!
- highmem - highmem
- hosts - TCP/IP hosts file
- hplip - hplip-3.15.11-os2-20151121
- ImageMagick - ImageMagick
- infozip - InfoZip archivers
- InternetAI - Internet Application Integration utility
- ip_8608 - FixPak ip_8608
- isofs - ISOFS 1.1.3
- jftp - j-FTP
- laserjet - eCS Laserjet printer driver
- libc - LibC
- LiberationFonts - Liberation Fonts
- lsusb - lsusb
- lxlite - lxlite
- mars - Mars
- mplayer - mplayer
- ncftp - ncftp
- newview - NewView
- nogravity - No Gravity 2.00
- noscript - NoScript
- nyaos - Nihongo Yet Another Open Shell
- omni - IBM omni printer driver
- p7zip - 7-Zip archiver
- PasswordExporter - Password Exporter
- passwordUpdate - Update Password
- PauseOnError - Pause on Error
- pci - PCI
- platform - set RPM platform
- plotters - IBM plotters printer driver
- pm123 - PM123 v1.43
- PMMail - PMMail 3.25
- PMUniMix - PMUniMix
- pmwipe - PMWipe
- pr1util - PR1util
- printman - PM Printer Manager
- pscript - IBM pscript printer driver
- psprint - PSPRINT 30.907
- python - python
- QBittorrent - QBittorrent
- qe - Quick Text Editor
- qpdfview - qpdfview
- qt47 - QT47
- qt4fun - qt4fun
- qupzilla - Qupzilla
- rdesktop - rdesktop
- reboot - System Reboot
- Recognita - Recognita Plus 2.0
- recoverychoicesmenu - Customize the Recovery Choices Menu
- RestoreUnicodeSys - ensure that unicode.sys is included in config.sys
- rmyumbootstrap - Remove YUM Bootstrap
- rpmyum - RPM and YUM
- rsj600 - RSJ 6.03
- rsync - rsync
- samba - Samba for OS/2
- sambaConfig - Configure Samba
- sambaRestore - Restore SAMBA configuration files
- scanExtra - Scan for Extra files
- Scribus - Scribus
- sdl2games - SDL/2 Games
- SeaMonkey - SeaMonkey 2.42.9 P4
- setBlondeSounds - set Pink Floyd sounds
- setuniaudadapter - Set Uniaud adapter
- SetupEd - Setup Editor
- setUSBcdroms - Set USB cdrom drives
- SingleMouse - IBM Single Mouse Driver v10.163
- SlashEM - SlashEM
- smartmontools - SmartMonTools
- suntan - Suntan Special
- SystemLoad - cputemp
- tcpip43 - IBM TCP/IP 4.3
- testlog - testlog 3.57
- thunderbird - Thunderbird 45.8.0 686
- Timidity - Timidity
- top - top
- TrapDump - Trap Dump
- TravelRouterIcons - Travel Router Icons
- uniaud - Uniaud 3.01.03
- Unifont - GNU Unifont glyphs version 11.0.01
- unzip6 - Unzip 6
- un_2334 - TCP/IP 4.3 for OS/2 FixPak un_2334
- usbaudio - USB Audio Multi-media driver
- usbbasic - USB Basic driver
- usbcfg - usbcfg
- usbhcd - USBHCD 10.251
- usbkeybd - USB Keyboard driver
- usbmsd - USB Storage driver
- usbprint - USB Printer driver
- usbwav - USBWAV sample rate conversion IOProc
- utils - Blonde Guy utilities
- VBAdditions - Virtual Box OS/2 Additions
- VBAdditions2 - VBAdditions cleanup
- viop - VIOP.SYS IO Patch Driver for VDM
- vlc - VLC media player
- vmwarn - VM Warning
- VNCPassword - Turn on config.sys messages
- vncserver - VNC server
- VPCAdditions - VPC Additions
- vprexx - VisPro Rexx runtime DLL
- vrobj - VX Rexx runtime DLL
- warp4cs - Update Warp 4 Config.Sys
- WarpIN - WarpIN
- warpvision - WarpVision
- webcam - WebCam
- webfonts - Core Web Fonts
- wget - wget
- wget121 - wget 1.21
- whois - whois
- wpa_supplicant - WPA Supplicant
- wpiview - WPIView
- wptools - WPTools
- wr_8610 - FixPak wr_8610
- wr_8621 - FixPak wr_8621
- wr_8708 - FixPak wr_8708
- xr_c006 - OS/2 Warp Convenience Pack FixPak 6
- xr_d003 - Device Driver FixPak 3
- xsystray - extended System Tray widget for XCenter
- xwlan - Wireless LAN Monitor
- XWorkplace - XWorkplace
- YAOS - Yet Another OS/2 Shell v1.8.1
- yumfix - YUM fix
- yumie - Arca Noae Package Manager version
- yumutil - YUM utility
- zip3 - Zip 3
Graphics by Colorful Language
Copyright 2025 by Blonde Guy