Suntan Special version 0.69
Suntan Special DVD edition
Suntan Special Application Table
Suntan Special DVD includes the listed software. This section describes each application in detail.
Contents | Description |
3D LaunchPad
Keyword: 3DLaunchPad Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs 3D Launch pad for OS/2 with PNG icons support by Andrey Vasilkin.
Keyword: 4os2 Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs 4os2. This version was built by Gregg Young.
Keyword: ACDataSeeker Media: CD Category: Application |
ACDataSeeker is a multithreaded text and file finder for the OS/2 Presentation Manager. ACDataSeeker was originally written by Alessandro Cantatore and is now maintained by Andreas Buchinger.
ACPI 3.22.03
Keyword: acpi Media: CD Category: Extra Driver |
Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) for eComStation extends the OS/2 kernel to newer hardware. New releases are available from the eComStation BetaZone. Log in to with your Mensys login id and click the Downloads link. Click the "Software Subscription Services for eComStation" Download link and the ACPI drivers should be listed.
The files for the ACPI 3.22.03 are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: acpi-3.22.03.exe |
InnoTek OS/2 Kit for Acrobat Reader
Keyword: acrobat5 Media: CD Category: Application |
Adobe Acrobat Reader for OS/2, version 5.1, is an abandoned beta of the product from Innotek. It works quite well, and can open some Acrobat documents. The installation is unattended. The browser plugin is installed into Netscape, Mozilla, SeaMonkey and Firefox.
Acrobat Plugin
Keyword: AcrobatPlugin Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command installs the OS/2 Kit for Acrobat Reader plugin into the Mozilla plugins directory. If the MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable is set, then the plugin is copied there. Otherwise, the plugin will be installed in Mozilla, Firefox and SeaMonkey. The plugin will be installed in Netscape in any case. The Acrobat plugin is installed from the OS/2 Kit for Acrobat Reader version 5.1 if available, otherwise from version 4.0.
Keyword: ae Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs ae, a replacement for the OS/2 system editor. The install is unattended.
Keyword: AlienBlaster Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs AlienBlaster, ported by Paul Smedley. Alien Blaster Your mission is simple: stop the invasion of the aliens and blast them!
Turn on config.sys messages
Keyword: altF2on Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command sets the computer to display messages while config.sys is processed. An argument of "OFF" will cause the computer not to display messages while the config.sys is processed.
Ambicom wireless driver
Keyword: ambicom Media: CD Category: Driver |
The Ambicom (PRISM 2.5 PCCard) wireless driver is an unfinished beta which includes the WifiStat control panel. Blonde Guy's radio on and radio off scripts are included, however, it is better to use XWLan.
ACPI 3.23.18
Keyword: anACPI Media: CD Category: Extra Driver |
Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) for OS/2 and eComStation extends the OS/2 kernel to newer hardware. New releases are available from the Arca Noae website. ACPI is a part of the OS/2 & eCS drivers and software package.
The files for the ACPI 3.23.18 are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: acpi-3.23.18.exe |
OS2 ACHI 2.09
Keyword: anAHCI Media: CD Category: Extra Driver |
This command installs or updates the OS2AHCI driver version 2.09 New releases are available from the Arca Noae website. AHCI is a part of the OS/2 & eCS drivers and software package.
The files for the OS2 ACHI 2.09 are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: ahci-2.09.exe |
Amouse 4.01
Keyword: anAmouse Media: CD Category: Extra Driver |
This command installs or updates the Arca Noae Amouse driver version 4.01 New releases are available from the Arca Noae website. Amouse is a part of the OS/2 & eCS drivers and software package.
The files for the Amouse 4.01 are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: amouse-4.01.exe |
DaniS506 driver version 1.8.16
Keyword: anDaniS506 Media: CD Category: Extra Driver |
This command installs Daniela Engert's EIDE driver. (DaniS506.ADD) DaniS506 is now maintained by David Azarewicz. Version 1.8.16 New releases are available from the Arca Noae website. DaniS506 is a part of the OS/2 & eCS drivers and software package. It is also part of the Service and Maintenace subscription, but no updates have been released. This driver is also freely available; install the DaniS506 app to get the freely available version.
The files for the DaniS506 driver version 1.8.16 are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: DaniS506-1.08.16.exe |
FAT32 file system 5.0.5
Keyword: anFAT32 Media: CD Category: Extra Driver |
This command installs or updates the FAT32 installable file system version 5.0.5 New releases are available from the Arca Noae website. FAT32 is a part of the OS/2 & eCS drivers and software package. If a previous version of FAT32 is installed, it must be uninstalled before installing this version. The uninstall is not kind to config.sys. Back up your config.sys before uninstalling FAT32, and restore it afterward. Installing this driver will make the appropriate changes to the config.sys that you saved before installing the previous version.
The files for the FAT32 file system 5.0.5 are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: FAT32-5_0_5.exe |
JFS file system 1.09.10
Keyword: anJFS Media: CD Category: Extra Driver |
This command installs or updates the JFS installable file system version 1.09.10 New releases are available from the Arca Noae website. JFS is a part of the OS/2 & eCS drivers and software package.
The files for the JFS file system 1.09.10 are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: JFS-1.09.10.exe |
ArcaOS Kernel 14.203
Keyword: anKernel Media: CD Category: Extra Driver |
install ArcaOS kernel 14.203 SMP or 14.201 W4. The installation will fail if operating system is not ArcaOS, or if the ArcaOS is already 14.203 or higher.
The files for the ArcaOS Kernel 14.203 are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: os2krnl-201-203.exe |
Multimac network drivers version 20241205 (1.01.09)
Keyword: anMultimac Media: CD Category: Extra Driver |
This command installs or updates the multimac network drivers version 20241205 The build level for these drivers varies New releases are available from the Arca Noae website. Multimac is a part of the OS/2 & eCS drivers and software package. The OS/2 and eCS drivers and software package is available to purchase from the Blonde Guy website.
The files for the Multimac network drivers version 20241205 (1.01.09) are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: Multimac-20241205.exe |
Panorama video driver version 1.20
Keyword: anPanorama Media: CD Category: Extra Driver |
This command installs or updates the Panorama video driver version 1.20 New releases are available from the Arca Noae website. Panorama is a part of the both the OS/2 & eCS drivers and software package and also a part of ArcaOS Support & Maintenance.
The files for the Panorama video driver version 1.20 are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: panorama-1.20.exe |
Arca Noae Uniaud 3.01.03
Keyword: anUniaud Media: CD Category: Extra Driver |
This command installs the Arca Noae build of Uniaud 197. Uniaud16 version 1.9.7 and Uniaud32 version 3.01.03 which is based on a major update from Paul Smedley using audio code from Linux v5.10.20. New releases are available from the Arca Noae website. The UniAud update is a part of the OS/2 & eCS drivers and software package.
The files for the Arca Noae Uniaud 3.01.03 are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: Uniaud-20211023.exe |
USB driver stack version 12.17
Keyword: anUSB Media: CD Category: Extra Driver |
This command updates the USB driver stack. USB drivers must have been previously installed and configured. This installation script does not install AUDIO by default. This installation does install the Mass Storage Driver (MSD). New releases are available from the Arca Noae website. USB is a part of the OS/2 & eCS drivers and software package.
The files for the USB driver stack version 12.17 are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: USB-12.17.exe |
Arca Noae software
Keyword: ArcaNoae Media: CD Category: Collection |
This command installs software downloaded by subscribers from Arca Noae. Both ArcaOS support and maintenance and the OS/2 & eCS drivers and software package are supported. The command will prompt for the installation files downloaded from the Arca Noae web store. ACPI, AHCI, AMouse, ArchiveTool, CupsWiz, DaniS506, DynamicIcons, FAT32, JFS, Multimac, NAPS, NVMe, Panorama, PrintMan, SNAP, UniAud, USB, USB3Preview, USBAudio, XWP
Update ArcaOS 5.0
Keyword: ArcaOS50config Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command modifies the desktop for use on an ArcaOS 5.0 system.
Update ArcaOS 5.1
Keyword: ArcaOS51config Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command modifies the desktop for use on an ArcaOS 5.1 system.
Turn off Desktop Archive
Keyword: archiveOff Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command sets the computer to NOT archive the desktop at system boot. There is a companion command, archiveON, that sets the computer to archive the desktop a system boot.
Turn on Desktop Archive
Keyword: archiveOn Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command sets the computer to archive the desktop at system boot. There is a companion command, archiveOff, that sets the computer to NOT archive the desktop a system boot.
Keyword: ArcViewer Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Archive Viewer, written by Alex Taylor. Archive Viewer is a very simple GUI tool for viewing and extracting archive files of various types. It originated as a system utility included in eComStation (and it remains so to this day). However, the product is also released as open source software under the GNU GPL. Installation is unattended by WarpIN. A reboot is needed after installation unless ArcView was previously installed.
arj archiver
Keyword: arj Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the arj archiver. A copy of the executable is placed in the utility directory for other programs to use.
Arora 0.11.0b
Keyword: Arora Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Arora 0.11.0b, a lightweight web browser based on Qt and WebKit. This install is automated using WarpIN. Prerequisites are Qt 4.6.3, gcc444 and libc.
Remove Warp 4 automatic registration tool
Keyword: art Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command opens the Installed Features folder to facilitate the removal of the Automatic Registration Tool (ART) also known as the "Dancing Elephant".
Association Editor
Keyword: assocedit Media: CD Category: Application |
The Association Editor, written by Henk Kelder, is a PM program that can display and edit the associations between objects and programs.
Alex Taylor's Fonts
Keyword: ATFonts Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Alex Taylor's workplace sans, workplace sans bold, warpsans extended, almost vio and almost swiss fonts. The command is automated. A reboot is necessary before using the fonts.
Automatic LAN Login
Keyword: autologon Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command creates an automatic LAN login object in the startup folder. After creating the object, the designated user will be logged in each time the system is started. The login window will be preloaded with the user specified in the settings 'username', 'password' and 'domain'
Beer Battery Widget
Keyword: beerbattery Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the beer battery widget, by eCo Software. This command will work on eCS only; OS/2 is not supported unless eCS language support has been added.
Bi-Directional Parallel Port Driver
Keyword: bidi Media: CD Category: Driver |
This command installs the Bi-Directional Parallel Port Driver.
bluegriffon 1.1.1
Keyword: bluegriffon Media: CD Category: Application |
BlueGriffon is a new WYSIWYG content editor for the World Wide Web. Powered by Gecko, the rendering engine of Firefox 4, it's a modern and robust solution to edit Web pages in conformance to the latest Web Standards.
bootAble 6.10.3
Keyword: bootAble Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs bootAble 6.10.3, a program for creating bootable CD-ROM and DVD under OS/2 and eCS by Hayo Baan. The supporting files are also installed. A script,, with the paths needed for the supporting files, is created. If the SNAP graphics is available, can be used on the bootable CD. Invoke bootAble for the first time using "bootable"
The files for the bootAble 6.10.3 are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: snapse491.exe |
Boot JFS cleaner
Keyword: bootjfsclean Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command changes the /AutoCheck parameter of the IFS=JFS statement in every config.sys to protect any bootable JFS volumes from being corrupted by an autocheck by non-bootable JFS software.
Keyword: BoulderDash Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs BoulderDash, a game written by Frank Wochatz. The installation is unattended using WarpIN.
Keyword: bzip2 Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs bzip2. Bzip2 is a compress/decompress program. The executable is copied to the utils directory, so no reboot is needed to use bzip2. This program, bzip2, the associated library libbzip2 (libbz2 on OS/2), and all documentation, are copyright ¸ 1996-2005 Julian Seward. All rights reserved. Prerequisites are LIBC and GCC445. The install is unattended.
Cameraderie v1.5
Keyword: cameraderie Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Cameraderie v1.53, a digital camera application written by R. L. Walsh. This install is unattended.
OS/2 CD-Player
Keyword: cdpm Media: CD Category: Application |
This command creates an icon for the OS/2 CD-Player. The eCS CD-Player is broken for systems without analog playback. This program adds the old IBM CD-Player to the Multimedia folder. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
cdrtools2 2.01.01a59
Keyword: cdrtools2 Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs cdrtools2 2.01.01a59, a suite of command line programs for manipulating CD and DVD media. An ASPI router driver is installed, and Config.Sys is modified. If OS2AHCI.ADD is installed, the SCSI option /S is enabled.
Cisco 350 wireless driver
Keyword: cisco350 Media: CD Category: Driver |
This command installs the Cisco 350 wireless driver (Cisco Aironet 340/350 11 Mbps Wireless LAN Adapter) including the WifiStat control panel and Blonde Guy's radio on and radio off scripts are included, however, it is better to use XWLan.
ClamAV-GUI by Remy Dodin
Keyword: clamavRD Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs ClamAV using RPM/YUM. ClamAV is ported by Yuri Dario and Paul Smedley. ClamAV GUI was created by Remy Dodin. The installation is unattended.
Keyword: cleanini Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the cleanini tool, written by Carsten Arnold.
Clean Settings
Keyword: cleanSettings Media: CD Category: Operation |
This command cleans the Suntan Special settings, adding any missing settings, and removing any extra settings. The install is unattended.
Keyword: clipgrab Media: CD Category: Application |
This Qt5 app allows you to download videos from various web sites, including YouTube. This command installs the clipgrab from the Netlabs server using Yum. Qt5 is a prerequisite. The install is unattended. The installation can take some time, be patient.
32-bit Command Interpreter
Keyword: cmd32 Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the 32-bit Command Interpreter written by Jonathan de Boyne Pollard. The 32-bit Unicode Console API is a prerequisite, and is installed also. The OS/2 Command Line Utilities are also installed, as the command interpreter would be crippled without them. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
Commit OS/2 fixpaks
Keyword: commit Media: CD Category: FixPak |
Deletes all fixpak archives and log files. This eliminates the possibility to revert fixpaks, but it saves space.
Config Sys Check
Keyword: ConfigSysCheck Media: CD Category: Extra Configuration |
This command uses the ConfigSysCheck program by David Azarewicz to check and sort Config.Sys. Any errors found are displayed and the user is prompted to accept or reject the changes. If changes are accepted, a backup is made of the current Config.Sys. This software will be downloaded from David Azarewicz' web site."
The files for the Config Sys Check are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: |
Keyword: configtool Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs ConfigTool 1.30, a config.sys tool. Config Tool can edit the config.sys, and for each line, displays the documentation for that line from its database. The installation includes files from the January 2004 update. The install is unattended.
cups PDR
Keyword: cupspdr Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the cups PDR by Alex Taylor
CUPS Wizard
Keyword: cupswiz Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs cxups. The installation is unattended. The Install CUPS Printer object is created in the Printers Folder.
DaniATAPI driver
Keyword: DaniATAPI Media: CD Category: Driver |
This command installs Daniela Engert's ATAPI driver, version 0.4.0. The command recognizes that the driver is sometimes installed as DANIATAP.FLT but installs as DaniATAPI.FLT. The command removes IBMATAPI.FLT, IBMIDECD.FLT and RSJIDECD.FLT from the Config.Sys file. This install is unattended, and config.sys is modified, so a reboot is necessary after the installation completes.
DaniDASD driver
Keyword: DaniDASD Media: CD Category: Driver |
This command installs Daniela Engert's DASD driver. (DaniDASD.DMD) This driver is only applicable to Warp 4. This driver should not be used with a system that uses LVM. This install is unattended, and config.sys is modified, so a reboot is necessary after the installation completes.
DaniS506 driver
Keyword: DaniS506 Media: CD Category: Driver |
This command installs Daniela Engert's EIDE driver. (DaniS506.ADD) DaniS506 is now maintained by Steven Levine Version 1.8.15 This install is unattended, and config.sys is modified, so a reboot is necessary after the installation completes. Reference to IBMS506.ADD in config.sys is changed to DaniS506.ADD. Reference to PCMSSDIF.SYS is removed.
Dave Gnukem
Keyword: DaveGnukem Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs Dave Gnukem, ported by Andreas Peters. Dave Gnukem is a "Duke Nukem I" clone. Your mission is, to stop Dr. ???. He want ruling the world with his army. Dave Gnukem requires SNAP graphics. It will not run without SDDHELP.SYS installed.
Clean up desktop after weird install problems
Keyword: deskclean Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command cleans up after weird install problems caused by some app installs. Each case is tested, and action is taken only if a problem is detected. This install is unattended.
DMD drivers
Keyword: dmd Media: CD Category: Driver |
This command installs the July 19, 2005 update to the DMD drivers, IBM OS2DASD.DMD (version 14.104) and OS2CDROM.DMD (version 10.157) The update in this package includes a very important update to OS2DASD.DMD that appears to resolve various traps that occur when processing removeable media. This install is unattended.
Desktop Maintenance Tool for eCS
Keyword: dmt Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs DMT - the Desktop Maintenance Tool for eCS v1.00 The install is unattended. The command updates config.sys.
Keyword: dooble Media: CD Category: Application |
The Dooble web browser for OS/2, created by bitwiseworks. The November 17, 2024 build by Dave Yeo is installed. Dooble is a technology demonstration of the QT Webengine under OS/2. The installation can take some time to download and install.
DrawSWF 1.2.9
Keyword: DrawSWF Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs DrawSWF, a program for freehand drawing that can export it's drawing as a Flash animation. DrawSWF requires Java 1.4 or higher. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
Keyword: Drift Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs Drift. DRIFT For OS/2 Version 1.02 beta (1995-Apr-26) with source code. Its an Asteroids kind of game. Now released Open Source under the GNU GPL license by its author. The install is unattended. A program Icon is placed in the games folder.
Doodle's Screen Saver
Keyword: dssaver Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Doodle's Screen Saver version 2.4. The screen saver was created by Doodle and is currently maintained by Dave Yeo.
DVDDAO 2.0.6
Keyword: dvddao Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs DVDDAO 2.0.6, a program for ripping and burning DVD. DVDDAO was written by nickk. You must have a file system capable of supporting large files to work with DVD iso images. (Probably that means you need a JFS drive with at least 4.7 GB free) A command file is provided as examples of how to rip (leach.cmd) Two command files (burniso.cmd and burnfolder.cmd) are provided to burn DVD.
EA Browser
Keyword: eabrowse Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the EA Browser by Henk Kelder. The EA browser is a PM program that can display and edit extended attributes.
Keyword: eAccounts Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs eAccounts, a tool for storing your passwords and keys. eAccounts is freeware by Frank Wochatz. A Blowfish encryption module is included. The install is unattended. A program object is created.
Keyword: eaclean Media: CD Category: Extra Application |
eaclean - V1.3 - EA Cleaner Utility (Cmd) ( 23K) 2020-Dec-26. Displays and cleans EA litter from files. -c or -c1 = clean ea litter only Removes unnecessary UID, GID, MODE, INO, RDEV, GEN, FLAGS EAs. -c2 = same as -c1 plus remove unnecessary .LONGNAME EAs and MR.ED.TXTPOS. -c3 = same as -c2 plus remove .LONGNAME EAs that do not match the file name. Use -c3 with caution and do not use -c3 on boot volumes.
The files for the eaclean are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: |
Keyword: eatoolbox Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Herwig Bauernfeind's ea Toolbox This install is unattended.
eCALC 2.0
Keyword: eCalc Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs eCalc, a calculator written by Frank Wochatz. eCalc accepts Rexx expressions. This install is unattended, and it creates a program object.
Keyword: eclock_2007 Media: CD Category: FixPak |
This command applies the fix for daylight savings time rules that changed in 2007. The install is unattended.
eCo Software runtime
Keyword: eCoRT Media: CD Category: Library |
The eCo Software runtime is required by some eCo Software programs. All libraries and extra PM control elements are distributed as eCo Software runtime. The installation is unattended. Installation is supported on ArcaOS and eComStation only (or OS/2 with eCS directory tree.)
Keyword: eCS-MT Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Chuck McKinnis' eCS Maintenance Tool. The installation is an unattended WarpIN installation if the WarpIN tool is present. The eCS MT version is rc 1
eCS 1.0 labelled loader for FixPak 5
Keyword: ecs10fp5 Media: CD Category: FixPak |
This command applies XR_M005 Loader patched with the eCS 1.05 label.
Update eComStation Config.Sys
Keyword: eCS11ConfigSys Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command modifies Config.Sys for use on an eComStation 1.1 system. The command removes Connections from autostart, removes PS/2 floppy driver and removes I2O drivers A reboot is needed after this command completes.
eCS 1.1 labelled loader for FixPak 5
Keyword: ecs11fp5 Media: CD Category: FixPak |
This command applies XR_M005 Loader patched with the eCS 1.15 label.
eCS 1.2 labelled loader for FixPak 5
Keyword: ecs12fp5 Media: CD Category: FixPak |
This command applies XR_M005 loader patched with the eCS 1.25 label.
Update eComStation 2.1 Config.Sys
Keyword: eCS21config Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command modifies Config.Sys for use on an eComStation 2.1 system. The command line utilities for Samba are moved later in the path to allow the IBM LAN utilties, like net.exe, to work This command is suitable for eCS 2.1. A reboot is needed after this command completes.
Update eComStation 2.2 Config.Sys
Keyword: eCS22config Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command modifies Config.Sys for use on an eComStation 2.2 b2 system. The rpm/yum directories are moved to the beginning of the LIBPATH and PATH. This command is suitable for eCS 2.2. A reboot is needed after this command completes.
eCS Clock
Keyword: ecsClock Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs eCS Clock, version 1.21. The installation depends on a working WarpIN. Only eComStation license holders are permitted to use the eCS Clock.
Update eComStation Config.Sys
Keyword: eCSconfigSys Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command modifies Config.Sys for use on an eComStation system. The command ensures that the TEMP, TMP, DIRCMD, HOSTNAME and AUTOSTART environment variables are set. The codepage is changed to 850,437 to support the display of the Euro. This command is suitable for eCS 1.0. A reboot is needed after this command completes.
Keyword: ecups Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs eCups. The installation is unattended. The eCups control panel is added to the Setup Folder. This is a URL object that will open in the default browser. The eCups help file is placed in the Information folder.
Keyword: embellish Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Embellish, an image viewing and manipulation program. Embellish development ceased in 1997, and the program has been released as freeware. The installation is unattended.
EMX runtime
Keyword: emxrt Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the emx runtime. An icon for the emx documentation is created. The command makes changes to config.sys to support emx. The install is unattended. A reboot is required after the installation is complete.
Keyword: ePDF Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs ePDF version 2.99-7; PostScript to PDF conversion software. This software makes a printer that outputs PDF files. The author is Frank Wochatz, who used to be a talented OS/2 developer. The installation is unattended. ePDF depends on GhostScript.
configure ePDF
Keyword: ePDFconfig Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command guides the user to configure ePDF for first time use.
Epson 740 printer driver
Keyword: epson740 Media: CD Category: Driver |
This command installs the Epson 740 printer driver.
Epson C60 printer driver
Keyword: EpsonC60 Media: CD Category: Driver |
This command installs the Epson C60 printer driver.
eStyler Lite Preferences
Keyword: estlite Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command opens the eStyler Lite Preferences for user edits. It also fills in the bootable volumes list for the reboot option.
Keyword: Euler Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Euler. EULER for OS/2 is a program to do numerical mathematics on a computer. The program does not do symbolic things, but does all number crunching fast, interactively and reliable. It can handle real and complex numbers, vectors and matrices, can produce 2D and 3D graphics, and it has a built in programming language. Additionally, EULER can do interval arithmetic, and has an exact scalar product. This version makes extensive use of OS/2 PM, including clipboard and printing. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
Keyword: evfsgui Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs/updates evfs GUI 2.5 RC 7 and the Samba Client Utilities for eComStation Version 1.3.beta1 (Revision 868). Only eComStation 2.0 and newer is supported. After installing, a reboot is needed to load the new version.
Keyword: evfsifs Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs/updates the evfs Installable File System (IFS), which is licensed to eCS users. Version, from eCS 2.2 beta 2, is installed. This is a required part for the SAMBA client support.
Netlabs Fat32
Keyword: Fat32 Media: CD Category: Driver |
This is the universal FAT driver (FAT12/FAT16/FAT32/exFAT) for OS/2 and OS/2 based systems. This project is based on the FAT32 project by Henk Kelder who released the source code as open source in January 2002. If a previous version of FAT32 is installed, it must be uninstalled before installing this version. The uninstall is not kind to config.sys. Back up your config.sys before uninstalling FAT32, and restore it afterward. Installing this driver will make the appropriate changes to the config.sys that you saved before installing the previous version. A reboot is needed to activate Fat32 support.
Keyword: FeatherPad Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs FeatherPad. FeatherPad (by Pedram Pourang, a.k.a. Tsu Jan is a lightweight Qt plain-text editor for Linux. The OS/2 port of FeatherPad is by Jochen Sch„fer. requires rpm/yum to install qt5 and hunspell The install is unattended.
Feature Install 1.2.5
Keyword: FeatureInstall Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs feature install, the OS/2 installer needed for the installation of TCP/IP 4.3, Java and other programs.
Keyword: ffmpeg Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs ffmpeg, a tool to convert video files from one format to another. ie .avi to mpg. ffmpeg has been ported by Paul Smedley. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object. ffmpeg depends on libc061.dll which is installed by the libc application.
Keyword: ffmpegGUI Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs ffmpeg-gui, a program to convert multi-media files. The OS/2 port is maintained by Elbert Pol. The install is unattended. ffmpeg-gui depends on libc065.dll, QT4.7.3, gcclib452 and ffmpeg.
Keyword: ffplay Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs ffplay, a program to play videos. The OS/2 port of ffplay is maintained by Paul Smedley. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object. ffplay depends on libc061.dll.
File Commander 2
Keyword: filecommander Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs File Commander/2. File Commander is a 32-bit text mode file manager and shell that allows you to locate, copy, move, delete, view, edit and execute your files in a quick, convenient and customizable manner. File Commander/2 is commercial software, but it is free to use. This is version v250-dev.
Keyword: filestar Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs filestar. FileStar/2 is an OS/2 PM file manager that makes file management fun! The installation is automated using WarpIN.
Keyword: Firefox Media: CD Category: Application |
The latest Firefox browser for OS/2 is FirefoxZ, Dave Yeo's rebuild of the Firefox 45.9.0 GA 2 from Bitwise. This build adds some security fixes and it is built with GCC 9.9.2. Suntan Special installs prerequistes using the rpm/yum system. if settings include installFirefox = 'Disabled' no action is performed.
Firefox 45 686
Keyword: FirefoxZ Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Dave Yeo's rebuild of the Firefox 45.9.0 from Bitwise. This build adds some security fixes. This is built with GCC 9.9.2 to target the 686 CPU family. If an old copy of Firefox is found, then it's installation directory is renamed to Firefox.old. If Mozilla Home is defined in Suntan Special settings, then it is set in config.sys. A working rpm/yum is a prerequisite.
Flash 7 r14
Keyword: flash7r14 Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the Flash version 7 plugin into the Mozilla plugins directory. The plugin will be installed in Firefox and Netscape as well. This version of the Flash 7 plugin includes the r14 version of the dll from Macromedia, which works for In addition, the plugin is patched to work with LIBPATHSTRICT and reports itself as Flash 9.14 to avoid problems with version checking on some websites.
File Manager/2
Keyword: fm2 Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs File Manager/2 3.25 by Mark Kimes. FM/2 is a file manager. FM/2 is currently maintained by Steven H. Levine and Gregg Young.
InnoTek Font Engine
Keyword: FontEngine Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the Innotek Font Engine, release 1 The installation is unattended.
Keyword: FotoGet Media: CD Category: Application |
FotoGet/2 is a utility to ease the transfer of pictures (and movies) between a digital camera and your OS/2 (eCS) PC. FotoGet/2 supports cameras with a USB Mass Storage interface.
FP5 Up
Keyword: fp5_up Media: CD Category: FixPak |
This command applies two updates beyond IBM's final fixpak, XR_M005. First, the PMMERGE.DLL is backleveled to that for XR_M004. Second, Object Rexx is backleveled to the level of XR_M002. Locked files are updated in place. Reboot immediately after applying this command.
Keyword: fpos Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs FPos, a WPS cleaning utility written by Rich Walsh. In addition to creating a program icon, the FPos program will be started. The user will be prompted to delete all Folder Position entries in the OS/2 ini file, which can cure the problem of icon drift. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
free IDEDASD driver
Keyword: FreeIDEDASD Media: CD Category: Driver |
This command installs IBM's final free IDEDASD package. It detects LVM systems and installs the appropriate version of the driver. This install is unattended, and config.sys is modified, so a reboot is necessary after the installation completes.
Keyword: FusePDF Media: CD Category: Application |
FusePDF is an simple cross-platform and open source application used for merging, splitting and extracting PDF pages and documents. FusePDF 2.3.0 has been ported (2022-09-21) to OS/2 by Elbert Pol. Qt5 is a prerequisite which will be updated/installed by yum. The install is unattended.
Keyword: gbm Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the Generalized Bitmap Module (GBM) by Heiko Nitzsche. The browser plugin is installed in known browser plugin locations. GBM.DLL is replaced anywhere on the LIBPATH. If Lucide is found, the GBM plugin is installed. Installation is unattended by WarpIN.
GCC 4 Core
Keyword: gcc4core Media: CD Category: Library |
This command installs GCC 4 runtime libraries needed for all Qt 4 installations. On OS/2 the libraries are installed to OS2\DLL, while on eCS, the libraries are installed to eCS\DLL. On ArcaOS, the installation is skipped, as the libraries are installed and maintained by RPM/YUM. The installation is unattended. WarpIN is a pre-requisite.
GCC library 4.3.4
Keyword: gcclib434 Media: CD Category: Library |
This command installs GCC library 4.3.4, a prerequisite for Scribus. The command installs to the \ecs\dll directory if it exists, else it installs to the \os2\dll directory. The installation is unattended.
GCC library 4.4.2-20091204
Keyword: gcclib442 Media: CD Category: Library |
This command installs GCC library 4.4.2-20091204, a prerequisite for QT 4 on eCS. OS/2 is temporarily unsupported unless it has the eCS directory tree. The installation is unattended.
GCC library 4.4.5
Keyword: gcclib445 Media: CD Category: Library |
This command installs GCC library 4.4.5, a prerequisite for scribus. The command installs to the \ecs\dll directory if it exists, else it installs to the \os2\dll directory. The installation is unattended.
GCC library 4.4.6
Keyword: gcclib446 Media: CD Category: Library |
This command installs GCC library 4.4.6, a prerequisite for scribus. The command installs to the \ecs\dll directory if it exists, else it installs to the \os2\dll directory. The installation is unattended.
GCC library 4.5.2
Keyword: gcclib452 Media: CD Category: Library |
This command installs GCC library 4.5.2, a prerequisite for qt4fun. The command installs to the \ecs\dll directory if it exists, else it installs to the \os2\dll directory. The installation is unattended.
GCC library 4.5.3
Keyword: gcclib453 Media: CD Category: Library |
This command installs GCC library 4.5.3, a prerequisite for qt4fun. The command installs to the \ecs\dll directory if it exists, else it installs to the \os2\dll directory. The installation is unattended.
GCC library 4.7.3
Keyword: gcclib473 Media: CD Category: Library |
This command installs GCC library 4.7.3, a prerequisite for qt4fun. The command installs to the \ecs\dll directory if it exists, else it installs to the \os2\dll directory. The installation is unattended.
Keyword: genini Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs genini, an ini file maintenance tool written by Peter Moylan. Many programs need a way to save their configuration data. (Window positions, program options, etc.) OS/2 uses INI files for this purposes. The INI file format is a binary file format that is efficient in terms of rapid access, but it is not human-readable. The present package provides a way of saving INI data in human-readable form. The DumpINI program converts a binary INI file into a corresponding plain-text form. The LoadINI program performs the reverse conversion: it translates human-readable data into the binary INI form.
Keyword: GetMyIP Media: CD Category: Application |
GetMyIP prints the current IP on the screen. This is useful because it prints the external IP of a computer using NAT for its internet connection. The command file is copied to the utils directory.
Keyword: GhostScript Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs GhostScript and GSView using the installer that comes with GSView. GhostScript is version 9.10. GSView is version 5.0. GhostScript is ported by Paul Smedley. An file containing the fonts taken from an earlier version of GhostScript is installed to a fonts directory below the installation directory. GhostScript 9.15 depends on gcclib473 You can print directly to an OS/2 printer (without converting to PDF) by specifying 'os2prn' as the driver, then selecting the desired printer queue. The installation is manual, and the suggested directory needs to be changed by the user.
Keyword: gImageReader Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs gImageReader, an optical character recognition (OCR) program. gImageReader depends on QT5. This install is unattended, and it creates a program object.
Keyword: Gotcha Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Gotcha! 2.010 by Thorsten Thielen and maintained by Gregg Young. Gotcha! is a small (well not so small anymore ;-) utility for OS/2 which allows to easily capture windows, window interiors, parts of the screen or the whole desktop and save them to disk or clipboard as a picture.
Keyword: GRADD Media: CD Category: Driver |
This command installs IBM GRADD.
eCS Hyperaccess Lite
Keyword: halite Media: CD Category: Extra Application |
This command installs Hyperaccess Lite from the eComStation 1.0 Bonus Pak on CD #3. The product is located in the eComStation 1.1 and eComStation 1.2 CD #2 in \bontrial\ibmbon\os2image\fi\bonuspak\halite The install is unattended.
Keyword: hexmines Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs HexMines, version 1.0
Keyword: highmem Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs HighMem, a LX format 32bit DLL module 'loading above 512MB' marking utility, Version 1.0.0 by Yuri Dario. The installation is unattended.
TCP/IP hosts file
Keyword: hosts Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command installs the TCP/IP hosts file from the location specified by the setting 'hostsFile'. If hostsFile is blank, the user is prompted for a hosts file.
Keyword: hplip Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs a newer HPLIP to an existing eCups installation. The installation is unattended.
eCS IBMWorks
Keyword: ibmworks Media: CD Category: Extra Application |
This command installs IBMWorks from the eComStation 1.0 Bonus Pak on CD #3 in \eCS\bonuspak\TVoice\Wiseprog\AppContents\ or from the eComStation 1.1 or eComStation 1.2 CD #2 in \bontrial\ibmbon\os2image\fi\bonuspak\ibmworks. The install is unattended. Config.sys is modified, so a reboot is required before running IBM Works
FixPak ic31990
Keyword: ic31990 Media: CD Category: FixPak |
This command applies FixPak ic31990. This FixPak applies to eComStation. This patch is made after applying ip_8608 to an eComStation system. A reboot is required after applying the FixPak.
Icon Tool
Keyword: icontool Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the Icon Tool by Henk Kelder. The Icon Tool is a PM program that can assign icons to objects. Icon Tool can also see hidden objects and delete undeletable objects. This is version 1.92
Keyword: ImageMagick Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs ImageMagick 6.7.4. ImageMagick is a picture manipulation program. ImageMagick was ported by Paul Smedley. The install is unattended.
Keyword: inetver Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command copies the Inetver output to the log
InfoZip archivers
Keyword: infozip Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the InfoZip tools for creating and accessing zip files. Executable files are copied to the utility directory. This does not override built-in zip and unzip support under ArcaOS. The executables do not have any external OS/2 requirements. GNU zip (gzip) is also installed. GNU gzip depends on GCC1.dll and Libc066.dll
INI tools
Keyword: initools Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs INI tools v1.1 - (by Goran Ivankovic) IniEdit 1.20 is also installed. The install is manual. The installation directory has been preset, so it is safe to take all the default values.
InnoTek Font Runtime
Keyword: InnotekRuntime Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the Innotek Runtime, 1.12 The installation is unattended.
Keyword: inprotrack Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs InProTrack, by Kai Evers, a tool for displaying the level of the installed software on an OS/2 system. The install is unattended. A program object is created.
Internet Application Integration utility
Keyword: InternetAI Media: CD Category: Application |
The Internet Application Integration (IAI) utility is designed to coordinate your web browser, email client and other internet applications. IAI is by Charles H. McKinnis.
IBM Peer for OS/2 Warp 4 FixPak 8414
Keyword: ip_8414 Media: CD Category: FixPak |
This command applies the IBM Peer for OS/2 Warp 4 FixPak 8414. This FixPak applies to Warp 4. FixPak 8414 is applied using an unattended install method. A reboot is required after applying the FixPak.
FixPak ip_8608
Keyword: ip_8608 Media: CD Category: Extra FixPak |
This command applies OS/2 Warp Server for e-business FixPak ip_8608. This FixPak applies to Warp Server for e-business. FixPak ip_8608 is applied using an unattended install method. A reboot is required after applying the FixPak.
ISOFS 1.1.3
Keyword: isofs Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs ISOFS 1.1.3. ISOFS creates a virtual disk for a CD/DVD-ROM image file (*.iso) so you can access it without having to burn any media.
J2RE Command
Keyword: j2re Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command creates a command file to access the IBM Java 2 JRE from the command line. The name of the command is J2RE. Only works with Java 1.3.0 and Java 1.3.1.
Java Fonts
Keyword: javafont Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command configures Java 1.1 to use the Microsoft Web Fonts. The font properties are modified. A backup file is created in the \java11\lib directory named font.original.prp.
Java Plugin Manager
Keyword: javaplug Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command configures the Java plugin for Netscape, Mozilla, PmW-Fx and Firefox. The user selects the Java to be used for each browser.
Java JDK 1.1.8
Keyword: jdk_118 Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the IBM Java Development Kit version 1.1.8. The installation is unattended, and a reboot is needed after the installation is complete.
Java JDK 1.3.1
Keyword: jdk_131 Media: CD Category: Extra Application |
This command performs an unattended installation of the IBM Java Developers Kit version 1.3.1. Both the Runtime and the Toolkit are installed.
The files for the Java JDK 1.3.1 are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: javainrt10.exe;javaintk10.exe;javainws.exe; |
InnoTek OS/2 Kit for Java (JRE)
Keyword: jdk_142 Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs InnoTek OS/2 Kit for Java, JRE version. Due to the Innotek license, you must download this product yourself. Suntan Special will install and configure the product once you have downloaded it. The JavaPlug command can be used to set up Java in each browser. The setting java2Home sets the Java 2 home directory.
Java JDK 1.1.8 patch
Keyword: jdk_patch Media: CD Category: FixPak |
This command patches the Java JDK 1.1.8. The version of Java before and after the installation is displayed.
JFS 14.105
Keyword: jfs14105 Media: CD Category: Driver |
This command installs the February 1, 2006 update to the JFS file system support (version 14.105)
Keyword: jftp Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs j-FTP, JFtp is a multi-platform, multi-protocol network browser. j-FTP installation requires Java 6 as installed by Suntan Special.
Keyword: JRescuer Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs JRescuer by Pavel Shtemenko. JRescuer is a JFS undelete and recovery program for OS/2. The command installs JRescuer and creates a program object for it. The install is unattended. This software is try before you buy. You can buy from Mensys for $29.00 US.
Keyword: jtzu Media: CD Category: fixpak |
This command updates the timezone code for IBM Java 1.3.1 to reflect 2007 changes to Daylight Saving Time.
K Movie Player
Keyword: kmp Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs K Movie Player 0.7.2, a program, based on FFplay, to play videos. The OS/2 port of kmp is maintained by KO Myung-Hun. kmp is installed and a program object is created. The install is unattended. kmp depends on libc064.dll.
Keyword: krypto Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs krypto to the utility directory. Krypto provides strong file encryption using the Frog cipher. Krypto was ported by Daniel de Kok. The install is unattended.
eCS Laserjet printer driver
Keyword: laserjet Media: CD Category: Extra Driver |
This command installs the IBM Laserjet printer driver. This is really the latest IBM driver, only available under Passport Advantage or to eCS subscribers.
The files for the eCS Laserjet printer driver are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: LASERJETEN - |
Keyword: LBMix Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs LBMix. LBMix was written by Lesha Bogdanow. PipeMix by the same author is also installed. The installation is unattended.
LED Panel Font
Keyword: ledpanel Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the LED Panel Font, which was created by Herwig Bauernfeind. The command is automated.
Keyword: libc Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Innotek LibC 0.5.1, a prerequisite for some older software on OS/2.
Liberation Fonts
Keyword: LiberationFonts Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the Liberation Fonts used by Java 6. The command is automated. A reboot is necessary before using the fonts.
Keyword: lightweight2 Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Lightweight2 0.11.0b, a lightweight web browser based on Qt and WebKit. This install is unattended. Prerequisites are Qt 4, gcc444 and libc.
Keyword: lines Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs Lines 1.21, a tile game. Lines is an OS/2 game by Daniel F. Valot. Mr. Valot may be reached at
Keyword: loaddf Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs both loaddskf and savedskf in the utility directory. The installation is unattended.
Keyword: lsusb Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs lsusb, a command line program that enumerates currently connected USB peripherals. The program and library are installed to the utils directory. Lsusb and the libusb library have been ported by Paul Smedley. updated to the current usb.ids file from The install is unattended.
LVM update, August 12, 2004
Keyword: lvmupdt Media: CD Category: FixPak |
This command applies the August 12, 2004 LVM update. This patch applies to MCP, WSeB, ACP and eCS. The LVM update is applied using an unattended install method. A reboot is required after applying this patch.
Keyword: lxlite Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs lxlite, a program to compress OS/2 executable files. The command also installs unlock.exe, a program to allow copying over locked files.
Keyword: mars Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs Mars, an old-fashioned arcade game from the sNOa Game Pack.
Keyword: MasterRoids Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs MasterRoids, version 1.1. MasterRoids is a space-based shoot-em-up game. MasterRoids is shareware.
Keyword: MBMon Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs mbmon The FastioA driver is also installed. Beta 1 This install is unattended, and config.sys is modified, so a reboot is necessary after the installation completes.
Update MCP Config.Sys
Keyword: mcpConfigSys Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command modifies Config.Sys with my favorite changes. A reboot is needed because Config.Sys is changed.
System Resources
Keyword: MemSize Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs System Resources, also known as MemSize, a system monitor tool by Rich Papo. System Resources is abandonware. The install is unattended, but then System Resources starts and needs to know the directory for its ini file. The default is a safe response. The command creates a program object.
fix for looping sounds
Keyword: mmfix Media: CD Category: fix |
This command installs a fix for looping sounds that sometimes occurs on HDA systems. The fix addresses a problem in SND.DLL. This install is unattended.
Keyword: mmiomp3 Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs MMIOMP3 by Russell O'Connor. It is safe to take all the defaults suggested by the installer. A reboot is required after the installation is complete.
Keyword: MP3Diags Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs MP3diags, A Qt GUI-based application that allows end-users to identify issues with their MP3 files.
Keyword: mplayer Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs mplayer 1.4, a program to play videos. The OS/2 port of mplayer is maintained by KO Myung-Hun. SMPlayer 17.1.0 is installed and a program object is created. The install is unattended. SMPlayer and mplayer depend on libc065.dll. SMPlayer depends on QT4.7.3, gcclib446 and gcc4core 1.2.2.
Keyword: MrMessage Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Mr Message. Mr Message is an AIM/ICQ client program written my Marty Amodeo. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
Keyword: multi Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs Sitting Multi for OS/2 PM, version 1.06. OS/2 Multi is a screen toy. OS/2 Multi is freeware written by Akira Hatakeyama. The command creates and icon that starts Multi in English.
Keyword: ncftp Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the ncftp from the Netlabs server using Yum. the old ncftp is removed. ncftp is a command line FTP client that supports passive mode. The install is unattended.
Keyword: NetHack Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs Nethack. The install is unattended. A program Icon is placed in the games folder.
Netscape 4.61
Keyword: netscape Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Netscape 4.61 and the improved icons. The install of Netscape is unattended. After the installation completes, a reboot is needed.
Keyword: newview Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs NewView, an enhanced help viewer. Ronald Brill took over as project maintainer in 2006, and Alex Taylor has been handling program updates since 2019. NewView is a Netlabs project.
Keyword: NightVision Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs NightVision, a "planetarium" program for OS/2 written by Brian Simpson.
Keyword: NISTime Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs NISTime, by Pieter Bras. NISTIME is a TCP/IP application which queries NIST Internet time servers using the SNTP (RFC 2030) or Daytime (RFC 867) services and optionally adjusts the OS/2 system clock..
No Gravity 2.00
Keyword: nogravity Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs No Gravity, an SDL/2 Game ported to OS/2 by Gianfilippo Cimmino. No Gravity 2.00, a fantastic and futuristic universe made of five intergalactic worlds. An arcade type game with great playability, where it is easy to plunge into space battles against spacefighters, space stations and more! The source code of the classic No Gravity was released by RealTech VR, Ltd. on February 16, 2005. Release 2.00 for OS/2.
Keyword: noscript Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs NoScript into Mozilla, Firefox, PmW-Fx, SeaMonkey and SeaMonkey2 web browsers. The NoScript Firefox extension provides extra protection for Firefox, Seamonkey and other mozilla-based browsers: this free, open source add-on allows JavaScript, Java, Flash and other plugins to be executed only by trusted web sites of your choice (e.g. your online bank).
No Startup Sound
Keyword: noStartupSound Media: CD Category: Configuration |
Turn off the startup sound. For computers that hang while playing the startup sound, noStatupSound provides an automated way to disable the startup sound. You can make your own system sounds customization based on this command.
Keyword: numlock Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs numlock to the utilities directory. numlock is a utility for setting the state of the numlock key. The installation is unattended.
Nihongo Yet Another Open Shell
Keyword: nyaos Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs nyaos (Nihongo Yet Another Open Shell) 2001-2013 (c) HAYAMA,Kaoru The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
Odin App
Keyword: odinapp Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Odin App. Odin App tests the Odin installation and adds some useful files.
IBM omni printer driver
Keyword: omni Media: CD Category: Extra Driver |
This command installs the IBM omni printer driver. This is really the latest IBM driver, only available under Passport Advantage or to eCS subscribers.
The files for the IBM omni printer driver are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: OMNIEN - |
Keyword: oo Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs oo, a command line utility to manipulate Workplace Shell Objects, to the utilities directory. oo is written by Rich Walsh.
Keyword: OpenTTD Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs OpenTTD version 0.7.5, ported by Owen Rudge. The port is now maintained by Paul Smedley. OpenTTD is an open source clone of the popular DOS game "Transport Tycoon Deluxe" using SDL. Note that the original game data files are currently required.
Keyword: Orange Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs Orange, a WinOS2 screen toy. Orange is freeware, also known as Screen Mate Mikan.
Object REXX Information
Keyword: orexxbook Media: CD Category: Application |
This command creates an icon for Object REXX Information. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
7-Zip archiver
Keyword: p7zip Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the 7-zip archiver. 7-Zip is a file archiver with a high compression ratio. After running this command, 7z is available on the command line (or updated in the case of eComStation.)
Password Exporter
Keyword: PasswordExporter Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs an icon for Password Exporter installation.
Update Password
Keyword: passwordUpdate Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command updates the Suntan Special phone home userid, password and URL. This information is used to download additional applications for Suntan Special.
Keyword: pause Media: CD Category: Operation |
This command pauses for some time (default: 60 seconds). Also signals sequence page progress bar.
Pause on Error
Keyword: PauseOnError Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command sets the computer to ignore errors while config.sys is processed. An argument of "NO" will cause the computer to continue booting without pausing, while any other entry will cause the computer to pause on errors while the config.sys is processed.
Keyword: pci Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs PCI, a program to scan the PCI bus and report on the cards found. A recent copy of pci.ids is added. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
set RPM platform
Keyword: platform Media: CD Category: Configuration |
Sets the preferred platform for RPM/YUM to pentium4
IBM plotters printer driver
Keyword: plotters Media: CD Category: Extra Driver |
This command installs the IBM plotters printer driver. This is really the latest IBM driver, only available under Passport Advantage or to eCS subscribers.
The files for the IBM plotters printer driver are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: PLOTTERSEN - 2003-11-12.ZIP |
Plug-in Pack
Keyword: pluginpk Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the Plug-in Pack version 3.0, which normally accompanies Netscape 4.61. The install is unattended.
PM123 v1.43
Keyword: pm123 Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs PM123 v1.43. PM123 is an excellent open source PM based digital audio player for OS/2. It is capable of playing MP3's, WAV-files, Ogg Vorbis audio files, and audio CDs. PM123 supports audio streaming, plugins, skins, visualization and more! There is also excellent documentation in .INF format. Originally developed by Samuel Audet and Taneli Leppa, it is now being developed by Dmitry Steklenev. Credit is also given to Marcel Muller for several fixes, and new features.
PM Camera
Keyword: pmcamera Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs PM Camera. The install is unattended.
PMFax Pro
Keyword: pmfax Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs PMFax Pro The install is unattended.
Keyword: pmformat Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the new PMFormat. This is experimental code. It replaces OS/2 components. The install is unattended.
Keyword: PMGlobe Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs PMGlobe -- an OS/2 Presentation Manager Globe. PMGlobe is freeware, and is the work of Mike Cowlishaw, IBM UK Laboratories. PMGlobe is programmable in REXX; documentation is in the file PMGLOBEX.DOC.
PMMail 3.25
Keyword: PMMail Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs PMMail 3.25. PMMail requires LibC. The installation automated with the following exception. If the installer pops up a dialog box, press the Execute, then the Done button. You can migrate later by using the Migration icon in the product folder.
Keyword: PMMine Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs PMMine, a Minesweeper clone
Keyword: pmsheet Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs PMSheet, an image viewer. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object and does object associations.
Keyword: PMUniMix Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs PMUniMix version 0.82, An audio mixer for eCS & OS/2 with UniAud. PM mixer for uniaud which should list all available devices supported by your audio chip. An icon for PMUniMix will be created in the Multimedia folder.
Keyword: pmwipe Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs PMWipe. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
PolarBar Mailer
Keyword: polarbar Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the PolarBar Mailer, or, if an installation exists and is available, then an icon is created that points to the existing installation. You may designate an existing installation by specifying a polarbarMailDir in the settings file. If no such setting exists, then a new copy of PolarBar is installed. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
PowerPoint Viewer
Keyword: PowerPointViewer Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer. This viewer is freely available on the Microsoft Website. Also included are some extra items to allow the viewer to run on OS/2 Odin is required to run PowerPoint Viewer.
Keyword: pr1util Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs PR1Util by Paul Ratcliffe. PR1Util is an OS/2 REXX library of miscellaneous functions. Freeware.
PM Printer Manager
Keyword: printman Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Alex Taylor's PM Printer Manager version 0.85. PM Printer Manager is a new graphical printer management tool designed to replace several older, separate programs by integrating their functions in one central tool. This includes creating standard OS/2 printers (local and LAN), creating CUPS-based printers, upgrading or downgrading IBM 'PrinterPak' driver packages, and creating new PostScript printer drivers by importing PPD files. The VROBJ extensions are a prerequisite. Install vrobj to reinstall vrobj.dll and vrobjex.dll. The PR1Utils are a prerequisite. Install pr1utils to install pr1utils.dll The installation is automated, and requires WarpIN.
Keyword: pronews Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs ProNews v1.60, a usenet client. ProNews used to be shareware, but is now maintained as donationware. The installation is attended, and you're advised to change the installation directory from it's default in the root of the C: drive.
IBM pscript printer driver
Keyword: pscript Media: CD Category: Extra Driver |
This command installs the IBM pscript printer driver. This is really the latest IBM driver, only available under Passport Advantage or to eCS subscribers.
The files for the IBM pscript printer driver are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: PSCRIPTEN - 2005-01-31.ZIP |
PSPRINT 30.907
Keyword: psprint Media: CD Category: Driver |
This command installs Alex Taylor's PSPRINT printer driver, an experimental new version of the OS/2 PostScript print driver, which aims to supersede the original driver (PSCRIPT.DRV) from IBM. Compared to the IBM driver, it fixes a number of bugs, contains some tweaks designed to improve compatibility with CUPS, and has one major new feature: support for embedded TrueType fonts. This install can be complex. If you use PPD files to support your printers, place all your PPD source files in one directory.
Keyword: PTPro Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs PTPro 1.10. PTPro is a camera support program. PTPro was ported by Rich Walsh. PTPro is a command-line program for retrieving pictures & information from your PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol) based digital camera. With PTPro, you can rename & renumber your photos and thumbnails as you save them, view extended info about your pictures (e.g. size in pixels), and of course, erase them. PTPro can also show you info about your camera: the formats it uses, its storage capacity, etc. The install is unattended.
Keyword: python Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs python using Yum. The old python is not removed. The install is unattended.
Keyword: QBittorrent Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs QBittorrent version 3.1.9. QT4 is a prerequisite.
Quick Text Editor
Keyword: qe Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs qe, Quick Text Editor, by Alex Taylor. Quick Text Editor is a simple text editor modelled after IBM's OS/2 System Editor and Aaron Lawrence's AE. requires the Qt4, kLIBC 0.6.6 and GCC1 runtime libraries. The install is unattended.
Keyword: qpdfview Media: CD Category: Application |
QPDFView is a PDF viewer that relies on QT. This command installs the current version of qpdfview using yum. Yum will handle the many dependencies and requirements for QPDFView. if an old installation of QPDFView is found, it is removed.
Keyword: QSoloCards Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs QSoloCards. The QT4 framework, libc and gcc4core are prerequisite.
Keyword: qt47 Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs QT4 4.7, a framework ported by Dmitry A. Kuminov and Silvan Scherrer. The installer installs QT using RPM/YUM. The latest version and all dependencies are installed. The installation is unattended. If a previous installation of QT is found, The user is prompted to remove it manually using WarpIN. rpmyum is a prerequisite for QT.
Keyword: qt4fun Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs QT4Fun, an collection of games that use the QT4 framework. The QT4 framework is a prerequisite, as are LibC 0.6.5 and GCC lib 4.4.1, 4.4.2 and 4.5.2.
Keyword: qupzilla Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Qupzilla 1.8.9, a new and one of many Qt WebKit Browsers. The QT4 framework version 4.7, libc and gcclib446 are prerequisite. If libqt4-webkit is not installed, yum is automatically called to install it. A patch for SSL is done to Qt. Qupzilla now depends on (p7zip) 7z. eCS already has 7z.
Keyword: ramfs Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs RAMFS, a RAM disk implemented as an installable file system. RAMFS was originally written by Karl Olsen and is currently maintained by Andrew Belov. The install is unattended. A reboot is required after installation.
Keyword: rdesktop Media: CD Category: Application |
This is the Remote Desktop Protocol client 1.8.6 port for OS/2 and eComStation. RDESKTOP is a client for Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), used in a number of Microsoft products including Windows NT Terminal Server, Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server. This port is by Andrey Vasilkin, 2021. The installation is unattended and makes a program object that prompts for the server name and the user name.
System Reboot
Keyword: reboot Media: CD Category: Operation |
This command reboots the computer. If the turbo mode is 0, message is displayed before rebooting. Both IBM boot manager and AiR-Boot are supported.
Recognita Plus 2.0
Keyword: Recognita Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Recognita v2.00a. Recognita Plus 2.0 for OS/2 2.X. Recognita Plus 2.0 is a suitable for use on the OS/2 Optical Character Recognition (OCR) application. This install is unattended.
Customize the Recovery Choices Menu
Keyword: recoverychoicesmenu Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command customizes the Recovery Choices menu with the hostname and boot drive letter.
OS/2 Registry Editor
Keyword: regedit2 Media: CD Category: Application |
This command creates an icon for the OS/2 registry editor. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
TCP/IP Name Resolution file
Keyword: resolv2 Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command installs the resolv2 file, which provide name resolution for TCP/IP. The resolv2 file is copied from the location specified by the setting 'resolvFile' The install is unattended.
Restore Boot Manager
Keyword: RestoreBootManager Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command restores the boot manager options saved by the Save Boot Manager command.
ensure that unicode.sys is included in config.sys
Keyword: RestoreUnicodeSys Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command ensures that unicode.sys is included in config.sys.
Rexx Autostart
Keyword: RexxAutostart Media: CD Category: Application |
Rexx Autostart is a workaround for timing problems that lead to a WPS hang on startup. Rexx Autostart is by Herwig Bauernfeind and Charles H. McKinnis.
Remove IBM Web Browser
Keyword: rmIBMWB Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command removes the IBM Web Browser. The IBM Web Browser is installed for eComStation 1.1. This command removes it. The uninstall is unattended, and a reboot is needed to complete the removal of the IBM Web Browser.
Remove Netscape
Keyword: rmNS461 Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command removes Netscape 4.61. Netscape 4.61 is automatically installed for eComStation and MCP and ACP. This version of Netscape is obsolete, so this command removes it. The install is unattended, and a reboot is needed to complete the removal of Netscape 4.61.
Remove YUM Bootstrap
Keyword: rmyumbootstrap Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command manually uninstalls the RPM/YUM bootstrap.
Keyword: RocksNDiamonds Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs Rocks'n'Diamonds, ported by Paul Smedley. This new version finally finishes the new, native game engine to play original Emerald Mine and Emerald Mine Club levels exactly like in the original Amiga games.
Keyword: roids Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs Roids version 2.3, a space-based shoot-em up game loosely based on Asteroids. Roids was later released as Havoc by StarDock in their OS/2 essentials package.
Roids is abandonware by Leonard Guy. I wish you luck contacting
the author,
Mr. Romy
Keyword: romy Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs Mr. Romy watches You, a screen toy. Mr. Romy is GPL and comes with source code.
Keyword: rpmyum Media: CD Category: Application |
RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a powerful command line driven package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and updating computer software packages. Each software package consists of an archive of files along with information about the package like its version, a description, and the like. There is also a library API, permitting advanced developers to manage such transactions from programming languages such as C or Python. RPM is free software, released under the GNU GPL. YUM is an automatic updater and package installer/remover for rpm systems. It automatically computes dependencies and figures out what things should occur to install packages. It makes it easier to maintain groups of machines without having to manually update each one using rpm. Yum has a plugin interface for adding simple features. Yum can also be used from other python programs via its module interface. Suntan Special autmatically installs the bootstrap, but installing Yum itself is a manual step. The user must look at any error messages to decide if the installation succeeded. Once yum is installed, a reboot is needed for PATH and LIBPATH changes to take effect.
RSJ 6.03
Keyword: rsj600 Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs RSJ CD-Writer 6.03 The installation is unattended, but the installer shows up on the screen. If user-supplied registration keys are not accepted by the installer, the installation will prompt for user name. When the installer completes, config.sys will be changed to permit the system to see the CD-RW as a normal CD-Rom. The buffer sizes are increased to 64K to handle modern DVD Writers. A reboot is required after the installation is complete.
Keyword: rsync Media: CD Category: Application |
rsync is an open source utility that provides fast incremental file transfer. rsync is freely available under the GNU General Public License version 2 and is currently being maintained by Wayne Davison. The OS/2 port is maintained by Paul Smedley and Steven Levine. The rsync website can be found at: This install is unattended. If an existing installation is found, it is backed up to rsync.old. Examples for using rsync to mirror disk directories are included. Rsync depends on LIBC 0.6.5
Keyword: run Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Run! version 0.80 to the utility directory. Run is a utility to set the environment before running an application. Rich Walsh is the author of Run! The install of Run! is unattended.
first session of Netscape
Keyword: runNetscape Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command runs Netscape for the first time. This causes the profile manager to be run to create the first profile. A web page with configuration changes is displayed. Configuration changes are now automatic. Exit Netscape to allow this command to make the changes.
Samba for OS/2
Keyword: samba Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the Samba Server for OS/2. The OS/2 version is samba-1-3-0-1022. It is based on version 3.6.25. The installation is interactive, and you will be prompted for which things to initialize and for the admin and guest passwords. Samba depends on rpm/yum to install required libraries.
Configure Samba
Keyword: sambaConfig Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command displays instructions for configuring Samba Server for the first time.
Restore SAMBA configuration files
Keyword: sambaRestore Media: CD Category: operation |
This command restores the SAMBA server configuration files to the current machine. A companion app, sambaBackup backs up the SAMBA server configuration files from the current machine. Only users and groups are restored. The Samba Configuration file, smb.conf, can be copied manually.
Same for PM
Keyword: Same Media: CD Category: Shareware Game |
This command installs PM Same, a tile game. PM Same is freeware by Daniel F. Valot. Mr. Valot may be reached at
Save Boot Manager
Keyword: SaveBootManager Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command saves Boot Manager settings, then programs boot manager to always boot the current partition. RestoreBootManager undoes the changes. SaveBootManager is useful when running a process such as FixPak 15 which reboots the machine twice. The reboot command is guaranteed to start the current partition only once.
Scan for Extra files
Keyword: scanExtra Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command scans a sequence for extra files and displays a message. Sequences invoked by the selected sequence are not scanned.
Keyword: Scribus Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Scribus 1.4.4. Scribus is an Open Source program that brings award-winning professional page layout to Linux/UNIX, Mac OS X, OS/2 Warp 4/eComStation and Windows desktops with a combination of "press-ready" output and new approaches to page layout. Underneath the modern and user friendly interface, Scribus supports professional publishing features, such as CMYK color, separations, Spot Colors, ICC color management and versatile PDF creation. Scribus is installed and a program object is created. The install is unattended. Scribus depends on libc065.dll, mzfntcfgft, Ghostscript, Python 2.7 GCCLIB446 and QT4.7.3
SDL/2 Games
Keyword: sdl2games Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs the SDL games from NetLabs. All of the SDL games require SNAP graphics. SDDHELP.SYS must be loaded to run SDL games.
Seahaven Towers
Keyword: SeaHaven Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs SeaHaven Towers 3.01, a card game. SeaHaven Towers is freeware by J Daniel Kulp. Mr Kulp is also involved in the writing and maintenance of the Mesa spreadsheet. Mr. Kulp may be reached at
SeaMonkey 2.42.9 P4
Keyword: SeaMonkey Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the unofficial version of SeaMonkey 2.42.9 GA the OS/2 open source browser, built by Dave Yeo, then rebuilt with security fixes with GCC 10.3.0. If an old copy of SeaMonkey is found, then it's installation directory is renamed to SeaMonkey2.old. If MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH is not defined, then pIugins are copied from the old SeaMonkey installation to the new one. If no previous SeaMonkey, then plug-ins are copied from Mozilla. If no Mozilla, then plugins are copied from Netscape. A program folder object is created with browser, mail and profile manager objects with a nice icon. If run! is installed, SeaMonkey!.exe is created. If Mozilla Home is defined in Suntan Special settings, then it is set in config.sys.
set Pink Floyd sounds
Keyword: setBlondeSounds Media: CD Category: Configuration |
Automatically set my custom sounds, all 44.1 KHz to work with USB Audio Driver (Make your own default sounds file based on this one)
Set Uniaud adapter
Keyword: setuniaudadapter Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command sets the uniaud adapter number On some systems, the adapter number must be specified. Add UniaudAdapter=1 to Suntan Special settings to add the command line switch /A:1 to Uniaud32.sys.
Setup Editor
Keyword: SetupEd Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command runs the Setup Directory Editor. The Setup Directory Editor displays all of the applications in the setup directory. Each application may be selected by the user for deletion.
Set USB cdrom drives
Keyword: setUSBcdroms Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command modifies the USBMSD.ADD line in Config.Sys to set the number of drive letters to reserve for USB cdrom drives. This command takes an argument, the number of USB cdrom drives. If the now-obsolete USBCDROM.ADD driver is found in Config.Sys, it is removed. A reboot may be needed after this command completes.
Set USB floppies
Keyword: setUSBfloppies Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command modifies the USBMSD line in Config.Sys to set the number of floppies. This command takes an argument, the number of USB floppies. A reboot is needed after this command completes.
Set USB removables
Keyword: setUSBremovables Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command modifies the USBMSD line in Config.Sys to set the number of USB removable drives. This command takes an argument, the number of USB removable drives. A reboot is needed after this command completes.
set Sound Volume
Keyword: setVolume Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command opens the Volume applet.
Keyword: Sheep Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs Sheep, a WinOS2 screen toy. Sheep is freeware, also known as Screen Mate.
Keyword: shorten Media: CD Category: Application |
Shorten is a lossless audio compressor and decoder. This command installs the shorten tool. A copy is placed in the utility directory.
Keyword: shutkill Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the Alex Taylor's shutkill program.
IBM Single Mouse Driver v10.163
Keyword: SingleMouse Media: CD Category: Driver |
This command installs SingleMouse, the IBM mouse driver. The installation is unattended. PJ31116 is also applied. If the Amouse driver is detected, it will be removed via WarpIN. The IBM Single Mouse driver was a Software Choice product, but it is now freely available on
Keyword: Sit-O-Chirari Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs Sitting Sit-o-chirari for OS/2 PM, version 1.06. OS/2 Sit-o-chirari is a screen toy. OS/2 Sit-o-chirari is freeware. The command creates and icon that starts Sit-o-chirari in English.
Keyword: SlashEM Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs Super Lotsa Added Stuff Hack - Extended Magic,
also known as SlashEM. The OS/2 port of SlashEM 0.0.6e4f7 is by Pekka Rousu
The install is unattended. A program Icon is placed in the games folder.
Keyword: smartmontools Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the SmartMonTools, an OS/2-based S.M.A.R.T. monitor ported by Alex Samorukov, It is a VIO program that can display and monitor hard disk status. Program objects are created to display SMART data for each available hard drive.
SciTech SNAP Graphics version 3.1.8
Keyword: snap3 Media: CD Category: Driver |
This command installs SciTech SNAP graphics version 3. The installation is unattended. If no registration code is provided, then the free registration code from SciTech is used.
Keyword: sox Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs sox. Sox stands for Sound eXchange and it is a universal sound sample translator. A copy of sox is placed in the utility directory. The sox port is maintained by Mentore Siesto libc is a prerequisite for sox.
Stellar Frontier
Keyword: StellarFrontier Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs Stellar Frontier 1.10, a space-based, multi-player internet shoot-em-up game. Stellar Frontier is the last OS/2 game from StarDock eComStation users have a license for the Admiral's Club.
Keyword: stockmarket Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs StockMarket/2, a stock tracking program created by Dimitris 'sehh' Michelinakis. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
Keyword: sunnypills Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs SunnyPills, an old-fashioned arcade game
Suntan Special
Keyword: suntan Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Suntan Special version 0.69.
Keyword: sysbench Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Sysbench 0.9.5c by Trevor Hemsley. Sysbench is a comprehensive benchmarking program for OS/2. The command installs Sysbench and creates a program object for it. An updated pcidevs.txt (from 2008) is also installed. The install is unattended.
System Clock
Keyword: systemclock Media: CD Category: Application |
This command creates an icon for the OS/2 system clock. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
System Information
Keyword: systeminfo Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs SystemInfo, a clone of the Norton SystemInfo for Windows originally by Alexey S. Smirnof, and continued by Yuri Prokushev. This installation is unattended.
Keyword: SystemLoad Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs SystemLoad and cputemp, system load monitor and a temperature monitoring application which includes an eCenter widget. Thanks to Vasilkin Andrey for creating SystemLoad and cputemp. cputemp requires XWorkPlace or equivalent. A reboot is needed to load a device drver. Config.sys is updated.
System tray widget for XCenter
Keyword: systray Media: CD Category: Application |
System tray widget for XCenter, version 0.3 This command installs the System tray widget for XCenter. After installation, user can create system tray widget on eCenter or xCenter manually.
Keyword: Tame Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Tame/2. Tame/2 provides easy scanner access. Tame/2 includes SANE, Scanner Access Now Easy. Tame/2 requires MMOS/2, REXX and emx. Tame/2 has been ported by Paul Smedley.
Keyword: tcpconfig Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs TCPConfig by Reinhard Berger.
Keyword: tcpip43 Media: CD Category: Extra Application |
This command installs TCP/IP version 4.3. Supported systems include Warp 4 and Warp Server for e-Business. The installation is unattended. TCP/IP 4.3 is an IBM Reserved Feature. But it can no longer be downloaded from IBM, so Suntan Special downloads the required files A reboot is required after installing TCP/IP 4.3.
The files for the IBM TCP/IP 4.3 are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: TCPIP43.ZIP |
IBM TCP/IP 4.3 post-installation fixup
Keyword: tcpip43fixup Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command cleans up after the installation of IBM TCP/IP version 4.32. TCP/IP 4.3 can be downloaded from Software Choice or A reboot is required after this command.
TCP/IP Configuration (Local)
Keyword: tcpipconfig Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command opens the TCP/IP configuration for TCP/IP version 4.1 and up found in Warp Server for e-business, MCP, ACP and eComStation.
TCP/IP passwd file
Keyword: tcpippw Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command installs the TCP/IP password file from the location specified by the setting 'passwdFile'. The default name of the TCP/IP password file is TCPNBK.NBK The install is unattended.
Keyword: TDGammon Media: CD Category: Game |
This command installs OS/2 Backgammon, version 1.0, also known as TD-Gammon. TD-Gammon is a world-famous computer program based on research in Artificial Neural Network technology, TD-Gammon taught itself to play backgammon, starting from scratch. The neural network used in this game is described in G. Tesauro, "Temporal Difference Learning and TD-Gammon," Communications of the ACM, volume 38, No. 3, pp. 58-68 (March 1995) TD-Gammon was released as part of the IBM Family Fun Pak.
testlog 3.57
Keyword: testlog Media: CD Category: Extra Application |
Testlog creates a log file that you can submit with your test results when reporting a problem with a driver. This program collects all the data about your system and the driver under test, and puts it into a single log file with appropriate dividers between the sections in the file.
The files for the testlog 3.57 are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: testlog-3.57.exe |
Thinkpad Modem
Keyword: thinkpadmodem Media: CD Category: Driver |
This command installs the driver for the Lucent Thinkpad modem included on ThinkPad T21 and others.
Thinkpad Ultrabay
Keyword: ThinkpadUltrabay Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command configures the Thinkpad Ultrabay found on the T21 series of thinkpads. It depends on versions of DaniS506.ADD and DaniATAPI.FLT. It has been modified to support the T30. Support for PCCard hard drives, such as CF cards, is added. The command therefore remarks out the BASEDEV=PCM2ATA.ADD driver. This install is unattended, and config.sys is modified, so a reboot is necessary after the installation completes.
IBM ThinkPad Utility for DOS
Keyword: thinkpadutility Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs IBM ThinkPad Utility for DOS. It installs the IBM Thinkpad System Management Device Driver. The original archive is included, and may be unpacked with odin. This has been repackaged for this distribution with zip, in order to not rely on a working odin for installation.
Thunderbird 45.8.0 686
Keyword: thunderbird Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Thunderbird 45.8.0 GA, the OS/2 open source e-mail client as ported by Dave Yeo and rebuilt with security fixes using GCC 9.9.2. If an older Thunderbird directory is found, it will be renamed to Thunderbird.old. If Run! has been installed, it will be used to create a Thunderbird icon that can be run concurrently with the Firefox web browser. if settings include installThunderbird = 'Disabled' no action is performed.
Keyword: Timidity Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs TiMidity++ version 2.13.2 release 3. The installation is unattended, and creates two icons in the multimedia folder. TiMidity++ version 2.13.2 is a port of the last released version available from the TiMidity++ website. The highly recommended EAWPatches collection of voice sample files (28 MB) is also installed.
OS/2 Toolbar
Keyword: toolbar Media: CD Category: Application |
This command creates an icon for the OS/2 Toolbar. eCS 2.0 does not create the toolbar icon, although it includes all the files that toolbar needs. The Toolbar icon is created in the utilities folder. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
Keyword: top Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs top V2.14, an OS/2 VIO application to monitor CPU usage by process. It does NOT impose an artificial load on the system to generate usage statistics. The process list can be sorted according to various criteria (including CPU percentage, name, threads), and any process from the list can be selected to be killed. CADH, a program that handles ctrl-alt-del is also installed. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object. Config.sys is updated to load the CADH device driver. The CAD Popup is added to the Startup Folder.
ThinkPad On Screen Display
Keyword: tposd Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs ThinkPad On Screen Display, a program to display actions of the ThinkPad, volume and brightness buttons on IBM ThinkPads. The program was written by Jan van Wijk. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object in the startup folder. The program object specifies that TPOSD run in stealth mode.
Trap Dump
Keyword: TrapDump Media: CD Category: Application |
This command ensures that the system is set up to make a trap dump. Each of the requirements for a trap dump are examined. When all of the requirements are met, the system will create a trap dump every time the system traps. Requirements: ArcaOS 5.0.5 or later A reboot may be needed after the installation completes.
Travel Router Icons
Keyword: TravelRouterIcons Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs icons for Travel Router configuration. Supported Routers: Asus RP-N12 Wireless Range Extender TP-Link Wireless Nano Router VIXMINI GL.iNet Mini Smart Router (Mango)
Keyword: tyra Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Tyra/2 version 1.91, a config.sys tool. Tyra/2 is now freeware, and a registration key is included.
Keyword: tzupdater Media: CD Category: fixpak |
This command updates the timezone code for Innotek Java 1.4.2 to reflect 2007 changes to Daylight Saving Time.
Uniaud 3.01.03
Keyword: uniaud Media: CD Category: driver |
This command installs the Uniaud197. Uniaud16 version 1.9.7 and Uniaud32 version 3.01.03 which is based on Linux audio v5.14.17.
GNU Unifont glyphs version 11.0.01
Keyword: Unifont Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs GNU Unifont glyphs version 11.0.1
Keyword: unimaint Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs UniMaint. UniMaint is an OS/2 utility to backup and restore your desktop, perform ini file maintenance, view/edit extended attributes and uninstall applications. UniMaint is maintained by Jim Read. This install is unattended, and it creates a program object.
Uninstall eWorkplace
Keyword: uninstall_ewps Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command uninstalls eWorkplace. The command is unattended, and a reboot is required.
Unzip 6
Keyword: unzip6 Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Info-ZIP's Unzip 6.00, packaged by A. Doff. This build requires only OS/2. Exectutables are copied to the utility directory specified in settings. If the command is run under eCS, the eCS tree will be trimmed of copies of the executables.
TCP/IP FixPak UN_0980
Keyword: un_0980 Media: CD Category: FixPak |
This command applies the November 18, 1999 - TCP/IP FixPak UN_0980. This FixPak applies to Warp 4 and Warp Server. TCP/IP FixPak UN_0980 is applied using an unattended install method. A reboot is required after applying the FixPak.
TCP/IP 4.3 for OS/2 FixPak un_2334
Keyword: un_2334 Media: CD Category: Extra FixPak |
This command applies TCP/IP 4.3 for OS/2 FixPak un_2334. This FixPak applies to TCP/IP 4.3x. TCP/IP 4.3 for OS/2 FixPak un_2334 is applied using an unattended install method. A reboot is required after applying this FixPak. This was a Software Choice/Passport advantage fixpack. Suntan Special can download a copy from Internet Archive for licensed users.
The files for the TCP/IP 4.3 for OS/2 FixPak un_2334 are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: |
USB Audio Multi-media driver
Keyword: usbaudio Media: CD Category: Extra Driver |
This command installs the IBM USB Audio driver. This is a sound driver that communicates with the USB stack to support USB audio devices. The audio driver is from the W4 FIXES CDROM on is IBM final build of USB Audio support from 03-27-2002. The following note from the readme is important when upgrading the driver. NOTE: rerunning an audio installation can be tricky at times. What you need to do is to FIRST uninstall the existing audio drivers by unpacking USBAUDIO.ZIP, running "minstall" and selecting 0 devices. After a reboot, you rerun the installation again by running "minstall" and this time, by selecting 1 device. If after an additional reboot you still hear no sound, open the "Multimedia Setup" object and select the USB Audio and Ampmix drivers as default devices by unselecting and the reselecting that setting. You should now hear sound without the need of an additional reboot.
USB Basic driver
Keyword: usbbasic Media: CD Category: Extra Driver |
This command installs USB Basic support. This is IBM final build of USB Basic support from 12-21-2005. This install is unattended, and config.sys is modified, so a reboot is necessary after the installation completes.
The files for the USB Basic driver are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: USBBASIC.EXE |
Keyword: usbcfg Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the eComStation USB configuration applet, USBcfg 0.82, written by Peter Brown. An icon is created in the setup folder. The installation is unattended.
Keyword: usbdock Media: CD Category: Application |
UsbDock by Serenity Systems. Installs English version.
USBHCD 10.251
Keyword: usbhcd Media: CD Category: Driver |
This command installs USB Basic support that has been developed beyond the IBM drivers. This version, 10.251, has been built by Lars Erdman. This stack is an alternative to the Arca Noae USB stack. This package may be applied over the Arca Noae drivers. The Arca Noae driver package may be applied over this package. This install is unattended. testlog is a pre-requisite for enumerating usb controllers.
USB Keyboard driver
Keyword: usbkeybd Media: CD Category: Extra Driver |
This command installs USB Keyboard support. This is IBM final build of USB Basic support from 12-21-2005. This install is unattended, and config.sys is modified, so a reboot is necessary after the installation completes.
The files for the USB Keyboard driver are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: USBKEYBD.EXE |
USB Storage driver
Keyword: usbmsd Media: CD Category: Extra Driver |
This command installs USB Storage support. This is IBM final build of USB Basic support from 12-21-2005. This install is unattended, and config.sys is modified, so a reboot is necessary after the installation completes.
The files for the USB Storage driver are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: USBMSD-2.EXE |
USB Printer driver
Keyword: usbprint Media: CD Category: Extra Driver |
This command installs USB Printer support. This is IBM final build of USB Basic support from 08-19-2005. This install is unattended, and config.sys is modified, so a reboot is necessary after the installation completes.
The files for the USB Printer driver are not supplied
on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. You must supply this item: USBPRINT.EXE |
USB Resource Manager
Keyword: usbres Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the USB Resource Manager, which is a utility from the great folks at OS/2 NetLabs. This install is unattended, and requires usbcalls to be installed.
USBWAV sample rate conversion IOProc
Keyword: usbwav Media: CD Category: Driver |
This command installs the USBWAV sample rate conversion IOProc. This is a sound driver that converts sound streams to sample rates that MMOS2 can support. The command includes version 10.237, but it will preferentially use USBWAV.ZIP in the MMOS2 directory. The following note from the readme is important when upgrading the driver. NOTE: rerunning an audio installation can be tricky at times. What you need to do is to FIRST uninstall the existing audio drivers by unpacking USBAUDIO.ZIP, running "minstall" and selecting 0 devices. After a reboot, you rerun the installation again by running "minstall" and this time, by selecting 1 device. If after an additional reboot you still hear no sound, open the "Multimedia Setup" object and select the USB Audio and Ampmix drivers as default devices by unselecting and the reselecting that setting. You should now hear sound without the need of an additional reboot.
Blonde Guy utilities
Keyword: utils Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Blonde Guy utilities. The copies of zip and unzip programs that run under Warp 4 GA. If the utility directory is not already in the LIBPATH, the Config.Sys is modified. Directories listed in LIBPATH are cleared of unwanted copies of unzip32.dll. if wget.cmd is found, it is renamed to wget2.cmd. A reboot may be needed after the installation completes.
Virtual Box OS/2 Additions
Keyword: VBAdditions Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Virtual Box OS/2 Additions. It is intended to be installed on an OS/2 system inside Oracle Virtual Box. A reboot is needed after installing. Works with GenGradd or Panorama video drivers. Version 6.1.32
VBAdditions cleanup
Keyword: VBAdditions2 Media: CD Category: Operation |
This command cleans up after installing VirtualBox additions.
Keyword: vfat2ea Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs vfat2ea, a command line program for converting VFAT longnames to extended attributes and back. vfat2ea was written by Doodle. The install of vfat2ea is unattended.
VIOP.SYS IO Patch Driver for VDM
Keyword: viop Media: CD Category: Driver |
This command installs viop.sys to allow Full Screen DOS sessions on some recent computers including a Lenovo Thinkpad T540p
VLC media player
Keyword: vlc Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs VLC media player 3.0.21, ported to OS/2 by KO Myung-Hun. VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVD, Audio CD, VCD, and various streaming protocols. QT 4.7 and libc are prerequisite. VLC will be added to the LIBPATH, so a reboot is required. To get sound, I select K Audio interface audio output and DART. To get video under Panorama, I select Video Mode=DIVE. To get video under SNAP, I select Video Mode=SNAP.
VM Warning
Keyword: vmwarn Media: CD Category: Operation |
This command displays a warning regarding rebooting the Virtual Machine.
Turn on config.sys messages
Keyword: VNCPassword Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command opens the VNC settings to allow the user to enter a password for VNC server
VNC server
Keyword: vncserver Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs VNC server and VNC client by Andrey Vasilkin. The Extended System Tray must be installed and the widget created in the eCenter (or xCenter if you use xWorkplace) to control the server. This version supports file transfer, chat and copy/paste.
VPC Additions
Keyword: VPCAdditions Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs VPC Additions. It is intended to be installed on an OS/2 system inside Microsoft Virtual PC. A reboot is needed after installing. Use these additions instead of the newer Microsoft version if you use shared folders.
VisPro Rexx runtime DLL
Keyword: vprexx Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the VisPro Rexx runtime DLL to the \ecs\dll directory if it exists, else it installs to the \os2\dll directory. The installation is unattended.
VX Rexx runtime DLL
Keyword: vrobj Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the VX Rexx runtime DLL. The installation directory is \ecs\dll for eComStation, \sys\dll for ArcaOS and \os2\dll for OS/2. The installation is unattended. The VROBJEX.DLL extensions by Alex Taylor are also installed.
Warp 4 Kernel August 11, 2005
Keyword: w420050811 Media: CD Category: FixPak |
This command applies the August 11, 2005 - Kernel patch. This patch applies to Warp 4, MCP and eComStation. The Kernel patch is applied using an unattended install method. A reboot is required after applying this patch.
Keyword: wakelan Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs WOL_OS2, a command line program to send Wake-On-LAN messages over a TCP/IP connection. This program appears to be abandoned. The web page is no longer there, and a Google-cached version is supplied for information.
Keyword: wallpaper Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs a crisper version of the default eCS 1.1 wallpaper. The eCS halo wallpaper is also provided. The install is unattended.
Update Warp 4 Config.Sys
Keyword: warp4cs Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command modifies the Warp4 Config.Sys with my favorite changes. Seventeen lines are changed in all. Ensure TEMP is defined and exists Set Time Zone (TZ=) ReserveDriveLetter A reboot is needed because Config.Sys is changed.
Open TCP/IP configuration program
Keyword: warp4tcpcfg Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command opens the TCP/IP configuration for TCP/IP version 4.0 found in Warp 4.
WarpCalc 2.0
Keyword: warpcalc Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs WarpCalc 2.0, a calculator written by Carl-Magnus Olsson. WarpCalc is a calculator package with both CLI and GUI versions. The two versions share the same core capabilities, which include those of any regular scientific calculator. In addition you can define your own functions and variables. This install is unattended, and it creates a program object.
Keyword: WarpIN Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs WarpIN version 1.0.26. WarpIN is the new OS/2 installer originally written by Ulrich Moeller and now maintained by Paul Ratcliffe. The initial installation of WarpIN is interactive, but upgrades are to existing WarpIN installations are unattended.
Keyword: WarpOverlay Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs and/or uninstalls WarpOverlay, by Valery Gaynullin. WarpOverlay is free software.
Keyword: warpvision Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs WarpVision The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
Keyword: wavecut Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs wavecut.
Keyword: webcam Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs WebCam, UVC Webcam Support for OS/2 (ArcaOS, eComStation) by Wim Brul. Some sample objects are created to get started. This works for my Lenovo T450s laptop.
Core Web Fonts
Keyword: webfonts Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the Core Web Fonts. The Binnar Gothic Font used in eComStation is also installed. Installing all the Core Web Fonts will conflict with the operation of Lotus SmartSuite and other programs. An optional argument allows installation of a subset of the web fonts. If the optional argument is DELETE, all webfonts will be deregistered. This command will install all TTF files in the setup directory. You can add your own fonts for automatic installation. The command is automated. A reboot is necessary before using the fonts.
Warp 4 welcome object
Keyword: welcome Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command removed the Welcome program, which is the whirling animation that appears when Warp is first installed. This command is unattended.
Keyword: wget Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs WGet using RPM/YUM. If YUM is not installed, a wget 1.21 is installed instead. An earlier version of WGet is removed if found. a .wgetrc is created in the home directory to make wget emulate an OS/2 browser's user agent string. The user agent string used is Mozilla/5.0 (OS/2; Warp 4.5; rv:10.0.5) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0.5
wget 1.21
Keyword: wget121 Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs WGet 1.21 into the utilities directory. a .wgetrc is created in the home directory to make wget emulate an OS/2 browser's user agent string. The user agent string used is Mozilla/5.0 (OS/2; Warp 4.5; rv:10.0.5) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0.5
Keyword: whois Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs the whois from the Netlabs server using Yum. the old whois is removed. The install is unattended.
WPA Supplicant
Keyword: wpa_supplicant Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs an update to the WPA Supplicant version 2.2-os2-20140624. XWLAN is prerequisite. This update allows my LinkSys access point to work with WPA2.
Keyword: wpiview Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs WPIView, a viewer for WPI files written by Herwig Bauernfeind.
Keyword: wptools Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs WPTools by Henk Kelder. WPTools is now abandonware. It was a collection of programs to manipulate the workplace shell. A WPTools folder with program objects for the WPTools programs is created. Two command line programs, defassoc.exe and getobj.exe, are copied to the utility directory. Defassoc manipulates associations, and getobj displays the properties of an object.
Open System Properties
Keyword: wp_system Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command opens the System properties. If XWorkplace or eWorkplace is installed, it opens the Screen properties.
Open WarpCenter Properties
Keyword: wp_warpcenter Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command opens the WarpCenter properties. I like to change the icons to Large, and turn off all monitors except the CPU monitor.
FixPak wr_8423
Keyword: wr_8423 Media: CD Category: FixPak |
This command applies IBM MPTS Lan Adapter and Protocol Support FixPak wr_8423. This FixPak applies to Warp 3 Connect, Warp 4 and Warp Server. IBM MPTS Lan Adapter and Protocol Support FixPak wr_8423 installs a new version of MPTS. It is safe to take all the default settings for this installation. A reboot is required after applying this FixPak.
FixPak wr_8425
Keyword: wr_8425 Media: CD Category: FixPak |
This command applies IBM MPTS Lan Adapter and Protocol Support FixPak wr_8425. This FixPak applies to Warp 3 Connect, Warp 4 and Warp Server. FixPak WR_8423 is a prerequisite for this FixPak. IBM MPTS Lan Adapter and Protocol Support FixPak wr_8425 is applied using an unattended install method. A reboot is required after applying this FixPak.
FixPak wr_8610
Keyword: wr_8610 Media: CD Category: FixPak |
This command applies IBM MPTS Lan Adapter and Protocol Support FixPak wr_8610. This FixPak applies to Warp 3 Connect, Warp 4 and Warp Server. IBM MPTS Lan Adapter and Protocol Support FixPak wr_8610 installs a new version of MPTS. It is safe to take all the default settings for this installation. A reboot is required after applying this FixPak.
FixPak wr_8621
Keyword: wr_8621 Media: CD Category: FixPak |
This command applies IBM MPTS FixPak wr_8621. IBM MPTS Lan Adapter and Protocol Support FixPak wr_8621 is applied using an unattended install method. A reboot is required after applying this FixPak.
FixPak wr_8708
Keyword: wr_8708 Media: CD Category: Extra FixPak |
This command applies IBM MPTS FixPak wr_8708. This FixPak applies to TCP/IP 4.3x. IBM MPTS Lan Adapter and Protocol Support FixPak wr_8708 is applied using an unattended install method. A reboot is required after applying this FixPak.
OS/2 Warp Convenience Pack FixPak 5
Keyword: xr_c005 Media: CD Category: FixPak |
This command applies the February 7, 2005 - Warp Convenience Pack FixPak XR_C005. The FixPak is applied using an unattended install method. A reboot is required after applying the FixPak.
OS/2 Warp Convenience Pack FixPak 6
Keyword: xr_c006 Media: CD Category: Extra FixPak |
This command applies the October 18, 2006 - Warp Convenience Pack FixPak XR_C006. This FixPak applies to OS/2 Warp 4 Convenience Pack. The FixPak is applied using an unattended install method. Archiving is disabled for this FixPak. A reboot is required after applying the FixPak.
Device Driver FixPak 2
Keyword: xr_d002 Media: CD Category: FixPak |
This command applies the July 21, 2000 - Warp 3 FixPak XR_D002, known as Device Driver Fixpak 2. This FixPak applies to Warp 3, Warp 4 and Warp Server for e-Business. Device Driver FixPak 2 is applied using an unattended install method. A reboot is required after applying the FixPak.
Device Driver FixPak 3
Keyword: xr_d003 Media: CD Category: Extra FixPak |
This command applies the 8-16-2002 - Warp FixPak XR_D003, known as Device Driver Fixpak 3. This FixPak applies to Warp 3, Warp 4 and Warp Server for e-Business. Device Driver FixPak 3 is applied using an unattended install method. A reboot is required after applying the FixPak.
OS/2 Warp 4 FixPak 15
Keyword: xr_m015 Media: CD Category: FixPak |
This command applies the December 4, 2000 - Warp 4 FixPak XR_M015, known as OS/2 Warp 4 FixPak 15. This FixPak applies to OS/2 Warp 4. OS/2 Warp 4 FixPak 15 is applied using an unattended install method. A reboot is required after applying the FixPak.
extended System Tray widget for XCenter
Keyword: xsystray Media: CD Category: Application |
extended System tray widget for XCenter, version 0.1.1 This command installs the System tray widget for XCenter. After installation, user can create system tray widget on eCenter or xCenter manually.
Keyword: xtide Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs XTide, a package that provides tide and current predictions in a wide variety of formats. Thanks to Dale DePriest for this port which requires emx. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object. XTide requires a location. To preset the location, add to settings.txt a string like "XTideLocation = 'Santa Cruz, California'"
Wireless LAN Monitor
Keyword: xwlan Media: CD Category: Application |
(v3.13) XWLAN - XCenter WLAN monitor This XCenter widget allows to monitor the status of your wireless LAN devices, providing connection profile support, automatic connection scan on startup and key generation, profile im+export and more. Available as XCenter Widget and standalone program, Wireless LAN hardware & driver req. English and german National Language Support This command installs the Wireless LAN Monitor currently maintained by Andreas Buchinger. If it is not already installed, install dhclient with yum install dhclient.
Keyword: XWorkplace Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs X-Workplace 1.0.17, a workplace shell extender written by Ulrich Moeller and maintained by Paul Ratcliffe and Rich Walsh.
XWorkplace configuration
Keyword: XWP_config Media: CD Category: Configuration |
This command configures XWorkplace.
Yet Another OS/2 Shell v1.8.1
Keyword: YAOS Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs YAOS v1.8.1 (Yet another OS/2 Shell) by LEE Cjin Pheow. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
YUM fix
Keyword: yumfix Media: CD Category: Configuration |
Yum as installed by eCS 2.2 beta 2 needs fixes in order to keep working. Useful commands: REMOVE DELETE URLGRABBER LIBPATH STDCPP PLATFORM PYTHON
Arca Noae Package Manager version
Keyword: yumie Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Arca Noae Package Manager version Branding Details: branding.bmp - logo file (about 90 x 100 pixels) yubrnden.msg - compiled message file containing text for the about box yubrnden.txt - source for message file containing text for the about box
YUM utility
Keyword: yumutil Media: CD Category: Configuration |
Yum utility runs a yum command to give Suntan Special sequences full access to the facilities of RPM/YUM for OS/2. Useful commands: update
Keyword: z Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs z!, an abandonware MP3 player by Dink
Zip 3
Keyword: zip3 Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Info-ZIP's Zip 3.00, packaged by A. Doff. This build requires only OS/2. Exectutables are copied to the utility directory specified in settings. This command installs InfoZip Zip version 3.0-9 ported by bitwise. The Zip executables are replaced in each place that they occur in the path. The Zip documentation, if found, is replaced in the eCS directories. Finally, yum is called to update zip.
Keyword: zoc Media: CD Category: Application |
This command installs Zap-O-Com v4.15 a terminal emulator. The installation is attended, and you're advised to change the installation directory from it's default in the root of the C: drive.
Graphics by Colorful Language
Copyright 2025 by Blonde Guy