Suntan Special version 0.69
Suntan Special Web edition
Downloading Updates
Blonde Guy is updating Suntan Special continuously. Updated applications are posted to the Blonde Guy server as soon as they become available. To check on the list of available updates, use the Refresh button on the Application page. The application list of presents available updates. For each application, the status appears in parentheses, either Up to Date, Upgrade Available or Not Installed.
- A status of Up to Date indicates that the application is already at the latest level supported by Suntan Special.
- A status of Upgrade Available indicates that Suntan Special can upgrade the application to a newer level.
- A status of Not Installed indicates that the application was not found, and therefore no comparison can be made to application Suntan Special is offering to install.
The source of the upgrade is shown by the application description located on the Application Page. The description will include either source: web or else the location on the local directory containing the application.
The showLocalApps setting controls the visibility of locally stored applications. The showWebApps setting controls the visibility of applications stored on the BlondeGuy web server. Together, these settings can be used to cause the application list to display only applications available for download, or only local applications.
The showUptoDate setting controls the visibility of up to date applications. The showUpdateAvailable setting controls the visibility of applications that have an update available. showNotInstalled setting controls the visibility of applications that not yet been installed. Together, these settings can be used to cause the application list to display only applications available upgrade.
The showSuccessDialog setting enables Suntan Special to show a success dialog after each application.
The updates will be downloaded to the directory specified by setupDir. This directory should be writable, with enough space to hold the downloaded applications. The saveWebApps setting controls the disposition of applications that are downloaded. By default, any application that is downloaded is deleted after installation.
To configure Suntan Special to check the Blonde Guy website for updates automatically at program startup, use the autoCheckUpdates setting. A value of 1 configures Suntan Special to check for updates at programs startup, while a value of 0 means to check the website only when the Refresh button is pressed.
Running the makeupdseq application will create a sequence of all of the applications that have a status up Update Available. The sequence can be used to update all applications to the latest available, or it can be edited to update a subset of applications.
Graphics by Colorful Language
Copyright 2025 by Blonde Guy