Suntan Special version 0.69
Suntan Special Web edition
Adding Files to Extra Applications
This section shows how to add required files for an extra application in Suntan Special. Extra Applications are ones where the application is included, but the actual files are not. For example, IBM and Serenity Systems restrict the distribution of FixPak XR_C005, so Blonde Guy is not able to include it on the Suntan Special CD-ROM.
If Suntan Special is installed on a shared drive, and the directory is writable, then the extra files can be copied to the application directory. In this case, if Suntan Special is installed as X:\Suntan, then the extra files will be copied to X:\Suntan\Setup\xr_c005.
On the other hand, if Suntan Special is to be installed from CD-ROM, then it an extra directory will be needed. To start, create a directory for Extra Applications. This directory should be available to Suntan Special while it is running. Then, modify the sourceDir setting to include the name of the directory you have created.
Under this directory, create a sub-directory with the name of the application you are adding. For FixPak XR_C005, the directory name will be xr_c005. Copy the REXX program from the Suntan Special CD-ROM (S:\setup\xr_c005\cdi.cmd) to the new directory.
Download FixPak XR_C005 from IBM or Serenity Systems using your own userid and password. Place the files in your new xr_c005 directory, then expand the fixpak files, keeping the directory structure intact.
3-04-05 7:23p 631,356 0 a--- 3-04-05 7:23p 41,377 0 a--- 3-04-05 7:24p 2,912,792 0 a--- xr0c0051.ZIP 3-04-05 7:24p 2,912,683 0 a--- xr0c0052.ZIP 3-04-05 7:25p 2,912,728 0 a--- xr0c0053.ZIP 3-04-05 7:25p 2,912,730 0 a--- xr0c0054.ZIP 3-04-05 7:26p 2,912,728 0 a--- xr0c0055.ZIP 3-04-05 7:26p 2,912,863 0 a--- xr0c0056.ZIP 3-04-05 7:27p 2,912,837 0 a--- xr0c0057.ZIP 3-04-05 7:28p 2,912,863 0 a--- xr0c0058.ZIP
The REXX program, cdi.cmd, will look for the fixpak files before prompting you for a location. This will save lots of time when updating your machine. This also gives you the opportunity to organize all of your password protected downloads into a single directory tree.
This is what the xr_c005 directory should look like when you are done.
9-03-05 10:20p 2,119 3,043 a--- cdi.cmd 12-11-05 12:17a <DIR> 0 ---- CSF 2-07-05 2:56p 114 0 a--- csf_disk 3-02-05 6:12p 305,540 0 a--- 12-11-05 12:17a <DIR> 0 ---- dist 3-01-05 7:21p 578 0 a--- ecs_c005.txt 12-11-05 12:17a <DIR> 0 ---- fix 1-22-05 6:40a 251,654 0 a--- 6-22-01 9:33a 14,989 0 a--- os2dump 2-07-05 3:02p 108,136 0 a--- readme.1st 1-07-02 2:21p 13,998 0 a--- readme.cid 1-11-05 1:54p 20,164 0 a--- readme2 2-29-00 4:33p 15,496 0 a--- readrexx.txt 10-08-02 6:20p 24,569 0 a--- updtbmgr.exe 10-08-02 6:20p 21,940 0 a--- 17 file(s) 779,297 bytes used
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