Suntan Special version 0.69
Suntan Special Warp4 edition
Application List
This is the list of applications included with Suntan Special for Warp 4.
Suntan Special includes all the applications on this list. You can install one application by itself, or you can install applications in batches called sequences. Complete descriptions of each application are compiled here.
- anUSB - USB driver stack version 12.16
- archiveOff - Turn off Desktop Archive
- archiveOn - Turn on Desktop Archive
- ArcViewer - ArcView
- art - Remove Warp 4 automatic registration tool
- autologon - Automatic LAN Login
- cdrtools2 - cdrtools2 2.01.01a59
- cleanSettings - Clean Settings
- commit - Commit OS/2 fixpaks
- ConfigSysCheck - Config Sys Check
- DaniATAPI - DaniATAPI driver
- DaniDASD - DaniDASD driver
- DaniS506 - DaniS506 driver
- deskclean - Clean up desktop after weird install problems
- dmd - DMD drivers
- dvddao - DVDDAO 2.0.6
- ecups - eCups
- emxrt - EMX runtime
- ePDFconfig - configure ePDF
- Fat32 - Netlabs Fat32
- FeatureInstall - Feature Install 1.2.5
- FontEngine - InnoTek Font Engine
- fpos - FPos
- FreeIDEDASD - free IDEDASD driver
- gcc4core - GCC 4 Core
- hosts - TCP/IP hosts file
- hplip - hplip-3.15.11-os2-20151121
- inetver - Inetver
- InnotekRuntime - InnoTek Font Runtime
- ip_8414 - IBM Peer for OS/2 Warp 4 FixPak 8414
- javafont - Java Fonts
- javaplug - Java Plugin Manager
- jdk_118 - Java JDK 1.1.8
- jdk_142 - InnoTek OS/2 Kit for Java (JRE)
- jdk_patch - Java JDK 1.1.8 patch
- libc - LibC
- mmiomp3 - MMIOMP3
- netscape - Netscape 4.61
- newview - NewView
- noscript - NoScript
- odin - Odin
- oo - oo
- passwordUpdate - Update Password
- pause - Pause
- PauseOnError - Pause on Error
- pluginpk - Plug-in Pack
- reboot - System Reboot
- recoverychoicesmenu - Customize the Recovery Choices Menu
- regedit2 - OS/2 Registry Editor
- resolv2 - TCP/IP Name Resolution file
- RestoreBootManager - Restore Boot Manager
- RestoreUnicodeSys - ensure that unicode.sys is included in config.sys
- rsj600 - RSJ 6.03
- SaveBootManager - Save Boot Manager
- scanExtra - Scan for Extra files
- setBlondeSounds - set Pink Floyd sounds
- SetupEd - Setup Editor
- setVolume - set Sound Volume
- staroffice - StarOffice 5.1a
- starofficepatch - StarOffice 5.1a Patch
- suntan - Suntan Special
- SystemLoad - cputemp
- systray - System tray widget for XCenter
- tcpip43 - IBM TCP/IP 4.3
- tcpip43fixup - IBM TCP/IP 4.3 post-installation fixup
- tcpipconfig - TCP/IP Configuration (Local)
- tcpippw - TCP/IP passwd file
- top - top
- tzupdater - TZUpdater
- unzip6 - Unzip 6
- un_0980 - TCP/IP FixPak UN_0980
- un_2334 - TCP/IP 4.3 for OS/2 FixPak un_2334
- usbbasic - USB Basic driver
- usbmsd - USB Storage driver
- usbprint - USB Printer driver
- usbres - USB Resource Manager
- utils - Blonde Guy utilities
- VBAdditions - Virtual Box OS/2 Additions
- VBAdditions2 - VBAdditions cleanup
- vmwarn - VM Warning
- VNCPassword - Turn on config.sys messages
- VPCAdditions - VPC Additions
- w420050811 - Warp 4 Kernel August 11, 2005
- warp4cs - Update Warp 4 Config.Sys
- warp4tcpcfg - Open TCP/IP configuration program
- WarpIN - WarpIN
- welcome - Warp 4 welcome object
- wptools - WPTools
- wp_system - Open System Properties
- wp_warpcenter - Open WarpCenter Properties
- wr_8423 - FixPak wr_8423
- wr_8425 - FixPak wr_8425
- wr_8610 - FixPak wr_8610
- wr_8621 - FixPak wr_8621
- wr_8708 - FixPak wr_8708
- xr_d002 - Device Driver FixPak 2
- xr_m015 - OS/2 Warp 4 FixPak 15
- XWorkplace - XWorkplace
- XWP_config - XWorkplace configuration
- yumie - Arca Noae Package Manager version
- yumie2 - run ANPM
- yumutil - YUM utility
- zip3 - Zip 3
Graphics by Colorful Language
Copyright 2024 by Blonde Guy