Suntan Special version 0.69
Suntan Special Warp4 edition
Suntan Special Function: query
Query presents a dialog requesting that a string be supplied by the user. A Browse button is provided, to allow the user to browse for a filename rather than type it in.
selectedItem = query(dialogName, default, instructions, type)
Program Arguments
- dialogName - title line for VIO and the name of the tab on the Display Monitor
- default - initial value of the item in the entry field
- instructions - instructions to the user; up to 900 characters
- type - optional parameter; F=File, T=Text, D=Directory
string supplied by user
The space available in the display monitor may be small in some video The text will be flowed onto the screen, wrapping as needed. If a hard line break is desired, use the carriage return, ASCII value 13.
Make the message short and to the point.
The default type is 'File'
Graphics by Colorful Language
Copyright 2025 by Blonde Guy