Suntan Special version 0.69
Suntan Special DVD edition
Suntan Special API
Suntan Special Applications Programming Interface (API)
This section describes the Suntan Special API. Each function listed in the API is implemented as a REXX program. Since REXX is an interpreted lanugage, the source code for the Suntan Special API is included with Suntan Special.
The functions are listed below. Both functions you may call from your code and callbacks from Suntan Special are listed.
- AddBook
- ApplicationEd
- cdglobal
- CDMessage
- CDMessageWait
- CDPopup
- checklist
- choice
- DevFolder
- DoWarpIN
- DoYum
- EditConfigSys
- EditFile
- EditPath
- ejectCD
- evar
- ExecuteCommand
- FindBootDrive
- GamesFolder
- GetDriverVersion
- GetExtra
- InstallApp
- LogCdi
- MessageDialog
- ProgramFolder
- query
- QuerySettings
- radiolist
- saywords
- SeqDel
- SeqImport
- setCDletter
- setSetting
- startgui
- SuntanMkDir
- Timestamp
- TPCallback
- twopanel
Graphics by Colorful Language
Copyright 2025 by Blonde Guy