Suntan Special version 0.69
Suntan Special DVD edition
Settings List
This section describes all of the settings used by Suntan Special for DVD. Each setting can be changed using the settings editor. By making the choices before running Suntan Special, many of the application installs will be unattended, speeding the running of Suntan Special and reducing the chance of errors.
Setting Name | Definition |
appsDir | Suntan Special installs applications to an applications directory. Each application is installed in a subdirectory of the applications directory. In most cases, the applications directory must support long names. Enter the name of the applications directory. |
ArcaNoaeSoftwareChoice | This parameter sets the default drivers to install from the set produced by Arca Noae. An empty string tells the install program to prompt the user. The string contains the keyword for each driver separated by spaces. |
archiveDir | Suntan Special will install any needed operating system fixes. The fix process requires a backup and an archive directory to store the files replaced in the fix process. |
AutoCheckUpdates | Suntan Special will check for updates by contacting the Blonde Guy website at program startup. Set to 0 to disable the check. If the check is disabled, Suntan Special will check for updates only when the Refresh button. |
backupDir | Suntan Special will install any needed operating system fixes. The fix process requires a backup and an archive directory to store the files replaced in the fix process. |
batchmode | When a sequence is executed in Suntan Special, each application listed is installed, one after another. Specify "Normal" to keep this behavior, and "SingleStep" to put up a dialog before each application. |
cdLetter | Suntan Special needs to access a CD-ROM drive. If you need to force Suntan Special to use a particular CD-ROM, enter the drive letter to use with that CD-ROM. Leave this entry blank to let Suntan Special choose the CD-ROM drive letter. |
devFolderID | When Suntan Special installs a development application, it moves the program object or folder to a global Development folder. Specify the Object ID of the global Development folder to be used for this purpose. |
devFolderName | When Suntan Special installs a development application, it moves the program object or folder to a global Development folder. Specify the name of the global Development folder to be used for this purpose. |
devFolderParent | When Suntan Special installs a development application, it moves the program object or folder to a global Development folder. Specify the Parent ID of the global Development folder to be used for this purpose. |
domain | Suntan Special will create an automatic login object. Enter the domain name for the login object. If this computer is not part of a domain, then this entry must be blank. |
downloadDir | The download directory is the default location for files copied from the Internet. Suntan Special will create the download directory and set up Netscape preferences to use the download directory. Enter the download directory. |
gamesFolderID | When Suntan Special installs an application that is a game, it moves the program object or folder to the games folder. Specify the object ID of the games folder to be used for this purpose. |
gamesFolderName | When Suntan Special installs an application that is a game, it moves the program object or folder to the games folder. Specify the name of the games folder to be used for this purpose. |
gamesFolderParent | When Suntan Special installs an application that is a game, it moves the program object or folder to the games folder. Specify the parent ID of the games folder to be used for this purpose. |
helpFolder | Suntan Special will copy help files to a common help folder. Enter the Object ID of the help folder. |
hostname | Specify the hostname of this computer. Hostname is used by the WebSphere scripts to control urls for testing and configuration. |
hostsFile | Suntan Special will copy this hosts file into the %etc% directory. The hosts file is part of TCP/IP which allows the computer to locate other computers without looking them up on the name server. |
installFirefox | This parameter is used to enable/disable the installation of, the Firefox browser. Set to Enable to install, and Disable to skip the installation. |
installSeaMonkey | This parameter is used to enable/disable the installation of, the SeaMonkey browser. Set to Enable to install, and Disable to skip the installation. |
installThunderbird | This parameter is used to enable/disable the installation of, the Thunderbird e-mail client. Set to Enable to install, and Disable to skip the installation. |
java2Home | OS/2 Kit for Java mimics the IBM Java implementations for OS/2 and defaults the user.home system property to the Java home (java.home) directory. If you want to override this setting, enter your value here. |
marscfg | Enter the location of the configration file for mars. The configuration file has your name and key in it, as modified according to e-mail from SNoA. You may take the mars.cfg file from a previous installation of mars. |
mozillaHome | Suntan Special will install the Mozilla family of web browsers. It is best to store the profile away from the code, to facilitate a smooth upgrade from version to version of Warpzilla. Enter the directory to be used to store those profiles. |
mozillaPluginDir | Suntan Special will install the Mozilla family of web browsers. To specify a common directory to use for plugins fill in a value for the mozilla plugin directory. This directory will be shared. by each browser. |
passwdFile | Suntan Special will copy this tcp/ip password file into the %etc% directory. The tcp/ip password file is part of TCP/IP which specifies account information for all users. |
password | Suntan Special use this password for all services, paired with the username setting. If the File and Print client is installed, this password will be used to create an automatic login object. Enter the password. |
pauseTime | Suntan Special sequences are written with pause commands after reboot commands. Set pauseTime to the number of seconds Suntan Special is to wait using the pause command. |
phoneHomeURL | You can query the Suntan Special Server for updates to software and applications. This setting names one of the files this version of Suntan Special retrieves from the server. |
phonePassword | You can query the Suntan Special Server for updates to software and applications. This setting represents the password this version of Suntan Special uses to authenticate with the server. |
phoneUser | You can query the Suntan Special Server for updates to software and applications. This setting represents the username this version of Suntan Special uses to authenticate with the server. |
polarbarMailDir | Suntan Special will install an icon to launch the Polarbar mailer. If you have a current Polarbar installation, enter the location here and Suntan Special will create an icon to launch it. |
programFolderID | When Suntan Special installs an application, it moves the program object or folder to a global Programs folder. Specify the object ID of the global Programs folder to be used for this purpose. |
programFolderName | When Suntan Special installs an application, it moves the Programs object or folder to a global Programs folder. Specify the name of the global Programs folder to be used for this purpose. |
programFolderParent | When Suntan Special installs an application, it moves the program object or folder to a global Programs folder. Specify the parent ID of the global Programs folder to be used for this purpose. |
resolvFile | Suntan Special will copy this resolv file into the %etc% directory. The resolv file is part of TCP/IP which specifies the name servers. |
rsjCDString | Suntan Special will install RSJ CD-Writer. If you have a special CD-RW setup string to add to the cddrv.inf file, Suntan Special will add it automatically. Enter the CD-ROM setup string. |
rsjKey2File | Suntan Special will install RSJ CD-Writer. If you are upgrading RSJ, you need to have the key for the prior version of RSJ, license key, which is usually a file named "CDWFS.KEY". Enter the name of the prior version license key file. |
rsjKeyFile | Suntan Special will install RSJ CD-Writer. If you have a RSJ license key, which is usually a file named "CDWFS.KEY". Enter the name of the license key file. |
SambaBackupDir | If you have backed up your Samba configuration and user credentials, give the directory where they are stored. Leave the entry blank to prompt for location as needed. |
saveWebApps | Suntan Special will save applications that it downloads to the setup directory if saveWebApps is set to 1. Set saveWebApps to 0 (zero) to make Suntan Special delete any downloaded applications after installation is complete. |
setupDir | Suntan Special maintains a software repository of the setup programs of applications that it can install. In most cases, the setup directory must support long names. The setup directory is where applications are copied from the Suntan Special CD-ROM during installation. If the SaveWebApps setting is set, Suntan Special saves applications that it retrieves from the server in the setup directory. |
showLocalApps | Suntan Special will show the availablity of applications to be installed from the Local System. Set showLocalApps to 1 (one) to make Suntan Special show locally stored applications. |
ShowSuccessDialog | Suntan Special will show a dialog for 10 seconds after the successful installation of any application. Set to 0 to disable showing the dialog, or to 1 to enable showing the dialog. |
showWebApps | Suntan Special will show the availablity of applications to be installed from the Web. Set showWebApps to 1 (one) to make Suntan Special show web applications. |
snapKeyCode | Suntan Special will install SciTech SNAP Graphics. If you are a registered user, enter the SNAP key code, and Suntan Special will register SNAP Graphics automatically. |
snapKeyName | Suntan Special will install SciTech SNAP Graphics. If you are a registered user, enter the SNAP key name, and Suntan Special will register SNAP Graphics automatically. |
sourceDir | Suntan Special installs applications from a number of source directories. These directories are examined in the order listed for the requested application. |
tempDir | Suntan Special will create and use a temporary directory. The temporary directory will be used for installers that need space that is used only during the install. In most cases, the temporary directory must support long names. The TEMP and TMP environment variables will be updated to the temporary directory. |
turboMode | Suntan Special will reboot the computer as many times as needed to install all the software specified. Set turboMode to to 0 to make Suntan Special to display a message before rebooting the computer. |
UniaudAdapter | When Uniaud is found in Config.Sys, the Adapter number tells the driver which audio hardware to use. If the system has only one audio adapter, leave this blank. Typical systems with two adapters may benefit from a value of 1. |
unixroot | This is the directory to be used as the root of the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS). This is required to be just the drive letter followed by a colon (such as C:) and this designates the root of the drive will be used as the FHS root. |
username | Suntan Special will use this username for all services, paired with the password setting. If the File and Print Client is installed, this username will be used to create an automatic login object. Enter the username. |
userPPDDir | This is the directory to be used to hold all the user Printer Definition Files (PPD). These are used by the psprint installation to install psprint postscript driver with the user printers included. |
useRSJ | Suntan Special can use RSJ CD-Writer to access the CD-ROM drive. If you are using RSJ CD-Writer to access the CD-ROM, enter the drive letter to use with RSJ CD-Writer. Leave this entry blank if you do not use RSJ. |
utilDir | Suntan Special creates one directory to hold all the extra command line utilities that it installs. Enter a value if you wish to override the default setting. |
XTideLocation | syntax error |
yumignorerpmdb | When yum is used to install applications and libraries, sometimes an error in rpmdb is reported. Set to 1 to ignore this error or set to 0 to display the error screen and wait. |
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Copyright 2025 by Blonde Guy