Blonde Guy

SNAP vs. Panorama

Now that eCS 2.0 is out, there are better reasons for running the Panorama video driver. The SNAP graphics video driver is no longer being developed, so any future for eCS video drivers is really in Panorama.

This page presents a table of benchmark results for the nubopeep desktop computer. This computer comes with a GeForce 6600 graphics card which has SNAP accellerated graphics support. A comparison to the Intel G41 graphics built in to the motherboard is presented.

PM-Graphics-marks 476 33 n/a 25
CPU integer-marks 4670 2367 4712 2350
CPU floating point-marks 468 273 464 273
DIVE-marks 161 161 162 161
File I/O-marks 45266462504921445727
Memory-marks 10947108841095010902
Simultaneous I/O-marks 23 24 24 24
Disk I/O-marks 437 417 437 417

Note that the PM-Graphics-marks benchmark did not complete for the SNAP graphics on the G41. This would be SNAP graphics running in VESA mode. The text render benchmark did not run. Most PM graphics tests gave similar results between SNAP and Panorama for the G41 adapter.

Last Modified: 2 Jun 2010
Graphics by Colorful Language
Copyright 2009 by Blonde Guy