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Using the Mango router with a Blonde Guy laptop

I am writing this piece to explain how to configure a Travel Router to provide Internet to a Blonde Guy laptop running ArcaOS. I have also made a video; the URL is at the end of the piece.

ArcaOS 5.1 still lacks drivers and software for modern WiFi. To make up for that lack, I am describing how to use a GL.iNet router as a Travel Router to supply modern WiFi for ArcaOS computers. The ArcaOS computer must have an Ethernet port and a USB port that is used for power only.

The Mango Router is one of the oldest and most popular Travel routers. GL.iNet has many newer models that use the same software as described here. All of them use GL.iNet software, so these instructions should work for every GL.iNet router.

Normally when you have been using a WiFi access point in the past, and you want to reconnect, you will plug the Mango Router into the laptop and turn on the laptop. You should soon see the Mango router with the LED in an ON, OFF, ON state. At this point, you have network.

The Mango can remember a number of locations, so if you hop from one access point to another, the Mango will connect to each one automatically. The catch is getting it to connect the first time. The rest of this document is about getting that first connection to work.

Mango icon

Connecting the Router

The router and the computer are connected by an Ethernet port. Usually, the computer only has one, but the router has two. The Ethernet cable should connect from the computer to the router LAN port, not the WAN port.

The USB connector is just for power. The smaller end connector goes to the router, and the larger end goes to the computer. If no lights come on when you apply power, check the USB cable, it might be backwards. The computer may need to be turned on to provide power on the USB port.

Using the Browser

The Mango Router is controlled from the web browser. The user interface is new enough that the Dooble web browser should be used for this step. I have made a shadow of URL object on the desktop to start Dooble and connect to the Router. The URL is

Boot the computer and wait for the router to initialize. On Mango router, the LED makes a white, dark, white pattern. On another GL.iNet router, it is green, green and flashing red. It does not matter if the lights exactly match.

After starting the URL objecct on the desktop, this is the screen you should see. If the logon screen comes up, the router is connected to the computer correctly.

Mango logon screen

After logging in, you are looking at the configuration screen of the router. Scroll around until you find the Repeater section. Locate the Connect button. Hit that Connect button, and wait for the WiFi scan to complete.

Mango configuration screen

Scroll down until you see a box labeled Repeater., and find a link labeled "Connect".

Mango repeater screen

Click on your desired WiFi hotspot. If a password is required, you can enter it here.

Mango join hotspot

Wait for your network to connect. On my WiFi here, it takes about a minute.

Mango connected

Video on YouTube

I have created a video of connecting the router at my local cafe. This is the URL: